Tous les articles et traductions

, by Eurozine

Scenes from the battlefield

By Iryna Vidanava

Despite renewed crackdowns on the independent media in Belarus, there are signs that the tide is turning in the battle for free speech in the country. However, victory for the democratic forces will require politicizing Belarus’ young Internet audience, writes Iryna Vidanava.
Since the flawed (…)

, par Basta !

Vandana Shiva : « Le libre-échange, c’est la dictature des entreprises »

Par Agnès Rousseaux et Nadia Djabali

Écrivain, physicienne, prix Nobel alternatif, la militante écologiste indienne Vandana Shiva est une résistante infatigable contre les entreprises qui pillent son pays, comme Monsanto. Elle pose un regard lucide sur les enjeux de la période : crise écologique, financière, protectionnisme, risque (…)

, by Frontline

‘Finally, the truth is getting out’

Interview with Teesta Setalvad of Citizens for Justice and Peace, which is fighting for justice for the victims of the 2002 riots.
TEESTA SETALVAD is the co-editor of Communalism Combat and has been in the forefront of the fight against communal forces and in defence of human rights. Through (…)

, by Al jazeera

The great land grab: India’s war on farmers

Par Vandana Shiva

Land is a valuable asset that should be used to better humanity through farming and ecology.
Land is life. It is the basis of livelihoods for peasants and indigenous people across the Third World and is also becoming the most vital asset in the global economy. As the resource demands of (…)

, par CETRI

La dernière carte de Bachar Al-Assad

Par Alain Frachon

Pas une semaine sans que la liste des victimes ne s’allonge - lugubre litanie qui, depuis trois mois déjà, rythme les événements de Syrie. Le régime de Bachar Al-Assad se maintient par la terreur et la destruction. Il fait la guerre à son peuple - à l’arme lourde, parfois. Le nombre des tués (…)

, por O Correio da Cidadania

Memória brasileira: sigilo ou vergonha?

Por Frei Betto

Há 141 anos terminou a Guerra do Paraguai. Durou de 1864 a 1870. Ao longo de seis anos, Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai, instigados pela Inglaterra, combateram os paraguaios. O pretexto era derrubar o ditador Solano López e impedir que o Paraguai, país independente e sem miséria, abrisse uma saída (…)

, por Inter Press Service (IPS)

Humala promete justicia para esterilizadas

Por Ángel Páez

El presidente electo de Perú, Ollanta Humala, impulsará la investigación para que la justicia penalice a los responsables del plan de esterilización compulsiva de mujeres del gobierno de Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000), aseguró la portavoz de la agrupación política triunfante, Aída García Naranjo. (…)

, by Frontline

Fight for land

In Greater Noida, farmers resist fiercely attempts to take over their land for the Yamuna expressway and a hi-tech city.
IT is a tale of two worlds, one in the present and the other in the future; one living and breathing and toiling away in parts of the National Capital Region and the other (…)

, by Social Watch

Yemen: CSOs call the world to stop the massacre

The Human Rights Information & Training Cente (HRITC, national focal point of Social Watch) warned in a communiqué also signed by the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Sisters’ Arab Forum for Human Rights (SAF) about the risk of civil war in Yemen. This organisations (…)

, by Tehelka

The making of Osama bin Laden

It had to happen. Osama bin Laden had been the target of the longest, most intense manhunt in history. Never before had the most powerful nation in the world concentrated so much of its time, energy and resources to hunt down one man. And never before had the hunters been able to deploy the (…)

, par Pambazuka

Les militaires américains et AFRICOM : entre le marteau et les Croisés

Par Horace Campbell

Les bombardements occidentaux des forces de Kadhafi en Libye sont devenus pour l’US Africa Command un stratagème opportuniste de relations publiques et une nouvelle tête de pont, en faveur d’ un bastion militaire sur le continent, écrit Horace Campbell. Il lève le voile sur stratégies militaires (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Sri Lanka: Dare not criticise

After many months of work, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Panel of Experts on Sri Lanka submitted its report to the Sri Lankan government. Though the report has only been sent to Colombo for review, and the formal release is still awaited as Himal goes to press, extracts have already (…)

, por Inter Press Service (IPS)

Campesinos desplazados exigen la palabra

Por Helda Martínez

La discusión del proyecto de Ley de Víctimas y Restitución de Tierras avanza en el parlamento de Colombia con amplio registro mediático y entusiastas declaraciones gubernamentales, pero sin que sean atendidos los reclamos de las propias víctimas, los campesinos despojados.
Ante la indiferencia (…)