Tous les articles et traductions

, by Electronic Intifada

Israel investing $1.6 million in "new media warriors"

By Jillian Kestler-D’Amours

The Israeli military establishment is once again on the offensive, but instead of high-tech weaponry and missiles, it is using computer screens, keyboards and rapid wireless connections to fight what Israeli military representatives are dubbing a "new media war."
In early February, military (…)

, by Electronic Intifada

Gaza rally draws a diverse crowd calling for unity

By Rami Almeghari

Youth protests in Gaza continue to unfold after a call to rally was put out by Palestinian youth calling for an end to political division and for national unity.
A large rally was held on 15 March in Gaza City, followed by another at a university campus and one at the premises of the UN agency (…)

, por Inter Press Service (IPS)

La metamorfosis de Hezbolá

Por Mona Alami

El creciente peso de Hezbolá (Partido de Dios) en Líbano lo puso en una situación difícil al tener que conciliar los intereses nacionales de sus seguidores chiitas y de sus patrocinadores iraníes.
"Hezbolá está en un periodo de consolidación y preparándose para la próxima guerra con Israel", (…)

, por ALAI

Revoluciones, nuevas tecnologías y el factor etario

Por Jorge Majfud

El común acuerdo en nuestros días es que la reciente revolución árabe se debe principalmente a las nuevas tecnologías. Sin embargo, revoluciones sociales han existido a lo largo de toda la Era Moderna (de hecho es uno de sus pilares fundamentales) mucho antes de Internet o las redes sociales. (…)

, por ALAI

Redes sociales ni tanto ni tampoco

“Revolución Twitter, revolución Facebook, revolución 2.0” son, entre otras, expresiones recurrentes que los conglomerados mediáticos han utilizado para caracterizar las revueltas sociales registradas en los últimos meses y que siguen en desarrollo en el Norte de África y países árabes, (…)

, por Tierramérica

No hay seguros para la energía nuclear

Por Dietrich Fischer

Si las compañías de seguros se niegan a arriesgar su dinero asegurando la industria nuclear, ¿por qué habría que obligar a la agente a arriesgar su vida?, se pregunta en esta columna Dietrich Fischer, director académico de la World Peace Academy.
Algunos defensores de la energía nuclear (…)

Arabismo: um tema e suas representações no Brasil e em Portugal

Coordenação: João Baptista M. Vargens e Paula da Costa Caffaro; 200.p ; R$ 22

Um novo livro, lançado pela editora carioca Almádena, traz artigos de alguns dos maiores especialistas brasileiros e portugueses em cultura árabe. A obra se chama Arabismo: um tema e suas representações no Brasil e em Portugal e reúne o pensamento e experiências de intelectuais que participaram (…)

, par Novethic

Comment définir les nano-produits ?

Par Anne-Corinne Zimmer

Depuis plus de 15 ans, les nanomatériaux sont massivement présents au quotidien et s’imposent aux consommateurs sans qu’ils en soient informés. Articles de sports, produits cosmétiques, peintures auto-nettoyantes, pneus longue durée, alimentation…le tout en l’absence de recensement, et donc (…)

, par Pambazuka

La Libye face à une agression impérialiste

Par Demba Moussa Dembélé

C’est une Résolution des Nations Unies, votée avec le soutien des trois voix africaines au Conseil de sécurité, que la porte a été ouverte à l’intervention militaire occidentale en Libye. Et Demba Moussa Dembélé de s’en désoler, car « c’est le soutien apporté aux pays occidentaux par l’Afrique (…)

, par Confluences méditerranée

L’Egypte, l’initiative du bassin du nil et les autres

Par Mohammed Larbi Bouguerra

L’Initiative du Bassin du Nil (IBN), lancée en 1999, a été conçue, à l’origine, comme un outil pour mettre en commun des informations scientifiques entre les dix Etats riverains du plus long fleuve de la planète . L’IBN réunit aujourd’hui les gouvernements de ces pays « en vue d’assurer le (…)

, by The Hindu

Chhattisgarh villages torched in police rampage

The operation began in the early hours of March 11 when about 350 heavily armed troopers marched into the forests of Dantewada. They returned to their barracks five days later, with three villages aflame, about 300 homes and granaries incinerated, three villagers and three soldiers dead, and (…)

, by Frontline

Tide of protest

Fishermen from Tamil Nadu are abducted on the high seas and tensions rise across the Palk Srait. The Tamil Nadu fishermen’s troubles in the Palk Strait have always inflamed passions. A wave of anger swept across the State yet again, this time as men who went fishing in the deep waters were (…)

, by Frontline

Sangh Parivar and new contradictions

Interview with French social scientist Christophe Jaffrelot

CHRISTOPHE JAFFRELOT, who is a Senior Research Fellow with the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales (Centre for International Studies and Research) in Paris, has had a 25-year-long association with India. He offers courses in the modern history of India and the polity of South Asia (…)

, por Pambazuka

Contusões e desafios da democracia em Cabo Verde

Por Redy Wilson Lima, Aquilino Varela, Quintino Tavares

Com trinta e seis anos de independência e vinte anos de democracia, conquistados consecutivamente nos anos 1975 e 1991, de novo, os cabo-verdianos são convocados às urnas para o veredicto da democracia. Desta feita, tendo na arena política a disputa entre cinco partidos políticos repetentes: (…)

Para uma Amazônia verde

Por Ricardo Abramovay

Pecuária, soja, energia e minérios: esses são os vetores estratégicos que norteiam a maioria dos atores privados e públicos na Amazônia brasileira. Os efeitos são bem conhecidos. Não se criam cadeias produtivas capazes de agregar valor ao que se faz localmente. A esmagadora maioria dos estímulos (…)

, por ADITAL

Diálogo mediado entre países pode resolver conflito em fronteira

Por Tatiana Félix

O rio San Juan está localizado na fronteira entre a Nicarágua e a Costa Rica, países da América Central. Mas, apesar de fazer parte do território nicaraguense, desde outubro de 2010, o afluente tem sido alvo de uma disputa provocada pelo governo costa-riquenho, que acusa o país vizinho de causar (…)

, by India together

Nuking dissent over Jaitapur

The Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) and the political establishment are burying their heads in the sand over the controversial nuclear plants on the Konkan coast, which will affect the lives of people in the entire region. [...] The NPCIL plans to erect six such plants, built by the (…)

Post-War Reconstruction in Sri Lanka. Prospects and Challenges

By D Herath, K Höglund, Prof. M Schulz, and Prof. K Tudor Silva, ICES, Colombo, 272+xvii pp

The International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES) launched its latest publication on Post War Reconstruction: Prospects and Challenges on the 16th of December 2010. This is one of the first books published locally or international on Reconstruction in Sri Lanka. This volume is edited by Dr. (…)

History of the Social Determinants of Health

By Sanjoy Bhattacharya, Harold J Cook, Anne Hardy, edited by Orient Blackswan, 2009

Every subject has its history, including the Social eterminants of Health. It is a subject that investigates differences in human health that occur because of social life, from income and class to family life and neighbourhood. Social determinants can have very large effects on longevity, just (…)