Tous les articles et traductions

, by Social Watch

Financial Transactions Tax: the time has come

The idea of taxing international financial transactions is gaining ground. The European Union is promoting it internationally and studying the possibility of imposing it throughout the bloc, or at least in the euro area.
But it is still not clear what the scope of the tax would be or what the (…)

, por Inter Press Service (IPS)

Estiércol convertido en energía limpia

Por Koffigan E. Adigbli

Barriles cuidadosamente colocados hacen fila en la puerta de muchos hogares del barrio de Leona, en Kaolack, ciudad de 20.000 habitantes en el oeste de Senegal. Son señales del éxito de un proyecto para introducir el biogás como combustible.
Amadou Faye, cuya familia cría vacas, cabras y (…)

, by Common Dreams

Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now

By Naomi Klein

I was honored to be invited to speak at Occupy Wall Street on Thursday night. Since amplification is (disgracefully) banned, and everything I say will have to be repeated by hundreds of people so others can hear (a k a “the human microphone”), what I actually say at Liberty Plaza will have to be (…)

, by LINKS

As COP17 approaches: Dirty Durban’s Manual for Climate Greenwashing

By Patrick Bond

Will the host city for the November-December world climate summit, COP17, clean up its act? The August 23 launch of a major Academy of Science of South Africa (Assaf) report, Towards a Low Carbon City: Focus on Durban – offers an early chance to test whether new municipal leaders are climate (…)

, by Pambazuka

From Bonn to Durban, Climate Meetings are Conferences of Polluters

By Patrick Bond

With a crucial conference on climate change taking place in Durban, South Africa, in December, Patrick Bond cuts through the elite conspiracy that will result in a no deal scenario and a continued rise in global temperatures. ’The strongest possible stance will be needed to finally address the (…)

, by Down to earth

Nanotech’s mega hazard

By Dinsa Sachan

Nanoparticles are harmful, but India is yet to regulate their use
NANOTECHNOLOGY has revolutionised industry. It is used to improve wide ranging products, from cosmetics, toys and toothpastes to textiles and missiles. Industry thinks the technology holds promise to change every facet of life (…)

, by Down to earth

20 years to…where?

By Sunita Narain

Next year, in June, world leaders will get together in the joyful city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to mark 20 years of UNCED—the Earth Summit (see Down to Earth, May 15, 1992).
Unbelievably, it will be 40 years since the Stockholm conference, when the question of the environment first caught (…)

Bobby Sands. Jusqu’au bout

Par Denis O’Hearn, Editions du CETIM et Editions de l’Epervier, 488 pages, 19.50 €
Le 5 mai 1981, Margaret Thatcher laissait mourir de faim en prison Bobby Sands, député d’Irlande du Nord et membre de l’IRA, condamné pour avoir participé à une attaque à main armée. Il demandait pour lui et ses (…)

Diffusion du droit et Internet en Afrique de l’Ouest

Utiliser les nouvelles technologies de l’information pour un meilleur accès à l’information juridique en Afrique

Par Amavi Tagodoe, Editions européennes universitaires, 196 pages.
L’accès au droit en Afrique de l’Ouest est difficile et restreint pour de nombreuses raisons. Parmi celles-ci, citons la faible diffusion papier des ressources juridiques nationales, en partie due au manque de moyens matériels (…)

Enclaves nomades

Habitat et travail mobiles

Arnaud Le Marchand, Editions du Croquant, 228 pages, 18.50€
Depuis la fin des années quatre-vingt en Europe : squats, foyers, tentes, caravanes, fourgons, etc. réapparaissent de plus en plus fréquemment. Or l’habitat précaire et mobile est une pratique de groupes professionnels : marchands et (…)

The Securitization of Migration

A Study of Movement and Order

By Philippe Bourbeau, Routledge Editions, 176 pages.
The international movement of people is provoking worldwide anxiety and apprehension. Nation-states around the globe, especially Western ones, are cracking down on migration for security reasons. International migration has become a key (…)


They’ve Tried Everything: What Now?

By Leonard Gentle

The world is tipping over into unknown territory. All the pundits are now starting to agree with US economist, Nouriel Roubini, famous for his prediction of the 2008 financial crash, that a second recession is inevitable. South Africa’s Reserve Bank governor Gill Marcus has also added her voice (…)

, by Creative Commons

The Power of Open

The world has experienced an explosion of openness. From individual artists opening their creations for input from others, to governments requiring publicly funded works be available to the public, both the spirit and practice of sharing is gaining momentum and producing results.
Creative (…)

, par Médiapart

Gaz de schiste, 3 permis abrogés ! Il en reste 61 !

Par Maxime Combes

Le gouvernement français vient d’annoncer avoir saisi « le Conseil général de l’industrie, de l’énergie et des technologies (CGIET) en vue de l’abrogation des trois permis suivants : Nant (détenu par la société Schuepbach), Villeneuve-de-Berg (Schuepbach) et Montélimar (groupe Total) », effaçant (…)

, par GRZYBOWSKI Cândido

Rio+20 : ne laissons pas passer l’occasion !

Par Cândido Grzybowski

Ce texte de Cândido Grzybowski, sociologue et directeur de l’Ibase, a initialement été publié en portugais sur Outras Palavras, et il a été traduit par Isabelle Miranda, traductrice bénévole pour rinoceros.
Ceci est un cri d’angoisse et un appel. Seule la citoyenneté mobilisée, accompagnée de (…)


Green energy takes toll on green cover

A forest generated by residents in Andhra Pradesh’s Anantapur district is being destroyed to set up windmills.
For two decades people from eight villages in Kalpavalli region in Andhra Pradesh’s Anantapur district laboured hard to turn a vast expanse of wasteland into a forest. But the effort (…)