Tous les articles et traductions

, por ADITAL

Homens defendem causa das mulheres e pedem despenalização do aborto

por Tatiana Félix

Um grupo de homens formado por jornalistas, religiosos, militantes dos direitos humanos, médicos, entre outros, emitiram uma carta, no último dia 18, defendendo uma antiga causa de luta e sofrimento para as mulheres: a legalização do aborto na Argentina. Estimativas apontam que cerca de 100 (…)

, by TNI

European retailers: threatening livelihoods in India

The role of major supermarkets like Tesco in wiping out small retailers across Europe is well known. Now the giants have India in their sights. For a country in which small-scale retail employs 33 million people, what kind of impact will this have? Read more

, by The New Economics Foundation (nef)

Where did our money go?

Banks set to demand fresh bail-out in 2011

Despite at least £1.2 trillion of taxpayers’ money being put at risk to bail out the banking system, many of the major high street banks may well be asking for another hand-out from the public purse in 2011, according to new research from independent think-tank nef (the new economics (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Sri Lanka. Contradictions of capitalism

One of the major tasks that face progressive political forces in Sri Lanka today is to identify and tackle the major social contradictions generated by more than three decades of liberal economic policies. These interventions have to be at the local as well as global level. It now appears (…)

, by Himal Southasian

’Southasia’s commons are weakening’

Common property resource (CPR) management has long been a significant arrangement in many parts of rural Southasia, playing an important economic and environmental role at the grassroots. N S Jodha, who worked until recently at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development in (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Corralling the nomads

China’s anti-pastoralist policies in Tibet are not only culturally insensitive but environmentally disastrous.

Although its record of reserve-based biodiversity conservation is striking, Beijing’s approach to the conservation of living natural resources outside reserves is less impressive. Pressures for economic development often eclipse complex ecological and cultural factors. This is especially true on (…)

, by Pambazuka

MDGs in Africa: What progress?

The most recent issue of Pambazuka features several articles on the Millenium Development Goals: MDGS: HOW FAR WE’VE COME AND WHAT STILL HAS TO BE DONE. This week saw world leaders gathering in New York to review progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The solutions to (…)

, by The STEPS Centre

Innovation, Sustainability, Development: A New Manifesto

In 1970 a radical document called The Sussex Manifesto helped shape modern thinking on science and technology for development. Forty years on, what kind of science and technology for development Manifesto is needed for today’s world?
The STEPS Centre is creating a new manifesto with one of the (…)

, par CETRI

Pressions sur les terres

Points de vue du Sud Editions Syllepse - Centre tricontinental Volume XVII (2010), n°3, 212 p.

La crise alimentaire a jeté une lumière crue sur les aberrations du modèle de développement agricole promu dans le Sud. Bien que des récoltes record y soient enregistrées, la faim progresse. Paradoxe tout aussi flagrant, les trois quarts des sous-alimentés sont des ruraux, producteurs eux-mêmes (…)

, por Repórter Brasil

Relatora da ONU: impunidade pode ofuscar exemplo brasileiro

Em documento ao Conselho de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas, relatora recomenda medidas urgentes para quebrar o ciclo de impunidade que beneficia fazendeiros, empresas e "gatos" envolvidos no crime de escravidão
A relatora especial da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) para as Formas (…)

, por Carta Maior

Galbraith diz que progresso social do Brasil é impressionante

"É impressionante. Funciona e é algo que deve ser compreendido pelo resto do mundo. Em toda a minha vida, esta é a primeira vez que o resto do mundo está olhando para a América do Sul e para o Brasil como exemplo de algo que funcionou. A população tem aceitado e essa, a meu ver, é a coisa certa (…)

, by On the Commons , BOLLIER David

The Privatization of Yoga

Will India succeed in keeping yoga in the public domain?

It is a sign of the predatory nature of markets today that a tradition that goes back 4,500 years now needs to affirmatively defend itself as a common legacy of humankind. Yes, the latest endangered resource is…. yoga. Read more

, par NARAIN Sunita

Lutter pour le contrôle de nos corps

Nous sommes ce que nous mangeons, dit-on. Mais savons-nous vraiment ce que nous mangeons ? Savons-nous qui cuisine et nous sert les aliments dont nous remplissons nos assiettes puis nos corps ?
Plus je creuse cette grande question et plus il m’apparaît clairement que notre monde de (…)

, by NARAIN Sunita

The battle for control of our bodies

They say you are what you eat. But do we know what we are eating? Do we know who is cooking and serving us the food we take to our kitchens and then into our bodies?
The more I dig into this issue it becomes clear that our world of food is spinning in directions we know nothing about.
Take (…)