Tous les articles et traductions

, by LINKS

Syria: Between popular resistance and foreign intervention

By Khalil Habash

The Syrian popular movement has witnessed an increasing mobilisation in recent weeks – the most important since last summer – despite the continuous violent repression. Defections within the army are still happening on a growing scale. Ten months after the beginning of the revolution – and (…)


Press Self-regulation: Dead or Alive?

By Jane Duncan

In the next few weeks, the Press Freedom Commission will be holding public hearings into the adequacy of the self regulatory system for the press. In terms of this system, complaints of unethical reporting are handled by the Press Council of South Africa (PCSA), which was set up and is run by (…)

, by Access Now

Internet’s future uncertain in post-war Iraq

In the aftermath of the 2003 US invasion, Iraq has struggled to rebuild infrastructure critical to providing citizens basic tools for economic, political, and social justice and prosperity.
Among the government’s main initiatives is increasing access to the internet and other channels of (…)

, by OpenDemocracy

The world’s first Muslim human rights commission

By Marie Juul Petersen

The Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission heralds an expansion of dialogue about human rights abuses in member states. Could a Muslim human rights commission also revitalize the image of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation?
In June 2011, 57 foreign ministers met in Kazakhstan to (…)

, by Global Voices

Latin America, 2011: A Year Marked by Social Movements

As the Arab Spring unfolded throughout 2011, and as Spain’s indignados and the now worldwide ‘Occupy’ movement gained momentum, important social movements also rose up across Central and South America.
In 2011, Latin Americans took to the streets in big cities and small towns to defend their (…)

, by CIP Americas Program

Zapatistas: 18 Years of Rebellion and Resistance

By Marcela Salas Cassani

Hundreds of activists and academics from around the world gathered at the International Seminar “Planet Earth: Anti-Systemic Movements” to discuss the importance of the 1994 Zapatista uprising on its 18th anniversary. In the context of the popular insurrections that have emerged this year across (…)

, by Common Dreams

Bankers are the Dictators of the West

By Robert Fisk

Writing from the very region that produces more clichés per square foot than any other "story" – the Middle East – I should perhaps pause before I say I have never read so much garbage, so much utter drivel, as I have about the world financial crisis.
But I will not hold my fire. It seems to (…)

, by Social Watch

Changing the US, a new opportunity for the whole world

A growing number of US citizens raise their voices “demanding a new social contract” as the multiple world crises are increasing “poverty and income inequality at historic levels.” This unprecedented movement nurtures hope in a change of policies and behaviors “geared toward the well-being of (…)

, by LINKS

Latin America: Summit in Venezuela Opens ’New Phase in History’

By Federico Fuentes

A summit of huge importance was held in Venezuela on December 2-3, 2011. Two hundred years after Latin America’s independence fighters first raised the battle cry for a united Latin America, 33 heads of state from across the region came together to form the Community of Latin American and (…)

, by Frontline

Wanted: more jobs


The annual report of the International Institute for Labour Studies projects a grim future for employment prospects.
With the United States and much of Europe grappling with the slowdown in their economies and the resultant social unrest, the publication of the World of Work Report 2011: (…)

, by Frontline

Land Grab Projects?


An independent study says some 250 thermal power projects that have got clearances may be meant just to grab land and water resources.
THERE have been a growing number of headlines that speak of an energy crisis and the energy deficit in India in the last few years. The disparities in the (…)

, by The Hindu

The Supporters of Democracy Must Welcome Political Islam

By Wadah Khanfar

From Tunisia to Egypt, Islamists are gaining the popular vote. Far from threatening stability, this makes it a real possibility.
Ennahda, the Islamic party in Tunisia, won 41 per cent of the seats of the Tunisian constitutional assembly last month, causing consternation in the West. But (…)

, by Infochange

Resistance to Dam Project Grows in South Gujarat

By Priyanka Borpujari

People from 16 villages on the Gujarat-Maharashtra border have been demonstrating their resistance to the Par-Tapi-Narmada river interlinking project, another multi-dam project which is slated to submerge 3,572 hectares of forests and displace 25,000 people.
[...] The project is part of the (…)