Carbon Trade Watch

By centring its work on bottom-up community-led projects and campaigns, Carbon Trade Watch aims to provide a durable body of research which ensures that a holistic and justice-based analysis of climate change and environmental policies is not forgotten or compromised. As part of our solidarity work, CTW aims to accompany and support movements and communities in their local initiatives and struggles for environmental and social justice. Importantly, the collective gathers and translates work with others in this field to help facilitate broader co-operation and understanding.

The Carbon Trade Watch group is organised non-hierarchically and is committed to challenging prejudice in all its forms. This is actively pursued in perspectives explored in the work, as well as being a constant part of the internal organisation of the collective structure. The group believes that challenging domination is a vital part of the process of achieving a diverse spectrum of just and sustainable societies.

Carbon Trade Watch comprises four core researcher-activists : Joanna Cabello, Tamra Gilbertson, Oscar Reyes and Ricardo Santos.

Address : Carbon Trade Watch, Environmental Justice Research Collective
El Collectiu d’Investigació per la Justícia Mediambiental (CIJM), Carrer de Princesa, Núm. 6, 08003 Barcelona

Tel : mobile : +34 625 498 083 (Tamra Gilbertson)

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