Tous les articles et traductions

, by BAKSHI Rajni

Bazaars, conversations & freedom. For a market culture beyong greed and fear

Penguin Books India, 2009, 464 pages, 450 INR

Financial wizards, economists, business persons and social activists around the globe have been challenging the free market orthodoxy. They seek to recover the virtues of bazaars from the tyranny of a market model that emerged about two centuries ago. This book is a chronicle of their (…)

, by Payman & Sina

Iran’s Post-Election Uprising: Hopes & Fears

Since the Revolution in 1979, Iranians have coped with an increasingly repressive regime. Attempts for greater social and political freedoms have resulted in brutal crackdowns by the hardline government. The ensuing apathy and significant boycott of the 2005 presidential elections led to the (…)

, by The Progressive

The Movement Against the Banks

A massive rally in Chicago next week aims to express public displeasure with the massive bank bailout outside the American Bank Association annual meeting. Protesters will converge at 11:30 on Monday, October 26, at 301 North Water Street, where the meeting is taking place.
"The same financial (…)

, by LUSSON Julien, MASSIAH Gustave

Strategic issues of the global crisis

The international debate and the alter-globalist movement’s approach

The London G20 summit was as disappointing as expected. Several declarations were of course of interest insofar as they seem opposite to the policy principles of past years. Let us take note of them and not hesitate to remind the G20 about the promises on regulation. An initial question puts a (…)

Shared concens and issues emerging from the 1st Science & Democracy World Forum

This text is the initial result of the 1st which took place in Belém on 26-27 January 2009.
It has been written and accepted by citizens of 18 countries from 4 continents. It initiates an open and inclusive global process that seeks to build an international network of movements, organizations (…)

, by TNI

WSF had a prophetic voice

Walden Bello interviewed by Gabriel Elizondo

As the WSF was winding down in Belem in Brazil, Al Jazeera’s Gabriel Elizondo spoke with Walden Bello about his thoughts on this year’s meeting.
Al Jazeera: How has the 2009 World Social Forum different from the past years’?
Bello: This represents the triumph of the World Social Forum over (…)

, by Crises

World Social Forum: Resolution and a Plan of Action

The World Social Forum ended its ninth edition on February 1 in Belém with its "Assembly of assemblies" adopting dozens of resolutions and proposals to be the subjects of a programme of mobilisations around the world in 2009.
The 21 thematic assemblies thus broke the apparent WSF taboo on (…)

, by KLEIN Naomi

Israel: Boycott, Divest, Sanction

It’s time. Long past time. The best strategy to end the increasingly bloody occupation is for Israel to become the target of the kind of global movement that put an end to apartheid in South Africa.
In July 2005 a huge coalition of Palestinian groups laid out plans to do just that. They called (…)

, by Institut de recherche et débat sur la gouvernance (IRG)

Civil Society Intervention in the Reform of Global Public Policy

Proceedings from the IRG/Ford Foundation international seminar, Paris, 17-18-19th of April 2007

Civil society actors throughout the world are increasingly involved in public policy making, on the national as well as the international level. Their strategies and impact was the theme of an international seminar held in Paris in 2007, jointly organized by the Institute for Research and Debate (…)

, by CSE

Rich lands, poor people. Is sustainable mining possible?

State of India’s Environment - 6, 2008, $ 50 or e-Book $28, 355 pages

This edition of SoE illustrates the immense challenges facing the mining sector in India: how to ensure ecological security together with inclusive development. It assesses the sector’s efficacy in promoting ’growth’ in mineral-rich areas, while scrutinising government initiatives in (…)

Reflections on the III Americas Social Forum, Guatemala

By Michael Leon Guerrero and Cindy Wiesner Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

The 3rd Americas Social Forum (ASF3) convened October 7-12, 2008 in Guatemala City was an important and exciting benchmark for the global social forum process. It was grounded by its grassroots nature with strong participation of peasants, women, and indigenous peoples, and by the dialogues and (…)

, by Bilaterals

Pacific civil society organisations statement on trade justice

Pacific NGOs, churches and trade unions working on trade justice issues are concerned about the push for free trade agreements in the Pacific and the grave risk that these agreements pose for our people. For much of the past decade Pacific Island Countries have faced pressure from our developed (…)

Recovering internationalisme, Creating the new global solidarity

Institute of Social Studies, January-March 2008, Creative Commons

Peter Waterman (London 1936) is a veteran activist-researcher in and on labour, social movements, the old and new internationalisms. Amongst his recent previous books have been Globalisation, Social Movements and the New Internationalisms (London/New York, 1998/2001) and Los nuevos tejidos (…)

Machhimar Adhikar Rashtriya Abhiyan

Discontent, unrest and agitation engulf the coasts of our country. Fisherpeople, under severe duress, have no other way but to launch a national campaign to conserve the coastal and marine resources and to protect their lives and livelihood. The campaign begins on 1st May 2008. A central (…)

Media, Activism, and Change

Gender and Media Diversity Journal, Gender Links

The fourth edition of the Gender and Media Diversity Journal focuses on the topic of media, activism and change. It explores various aspects of media activism – how media itself plays an activist role and how activists are increasingly using the media more pro-actively on issues as diverse as (…)

Budgeting for the future: Building another Europe European economic policies from a civil society perspective

Edited by Teresa Maisano and Tommaso Rondinella and Transnational Institute, 2008, pdf

Budgeting for the Future, Building another Europe, edited by Sbilanciamoci!, puts forward a critical civil society outlook on the 2007/2013 Financial Perspectives. In order to achieve this goal Sbilanciamoci! decided to create a civil society network, with a European dimension, guaranteeing full (…)

, by CADTM

World Social Forum in debate

WSF International Council, march 31st to april 3rd, Aubja, Nigeria

Following the first "Global Day of Action", which took place on January 26th, and after 7 years of existence, the World Social Forum is in debate. A political and strategical debate focused on the process of the FSM, the international situation as well as the anti-globalization’s movement as a (…)