Tous les articles et traductions

, par GRZYBOWSKI Cândido

Les biens communs et le bien-vivre


La crise climatique relève désormais du sens commun. À cet égard, nous vivons aujourd’hui l’un de ces rares moments de l’histoire humaine où il devient possible d’instaurer un débat sur les fondements même de notre mode de vie. Il suffit d’extraire du sens commun le « bon sens transformateur », (…)

, por EcoPortal

El Banco Mundial y las políticas de agua

Por Yul Francisco Dorado Mazorra

Es innegable el avance de las políticas privatizadoras del agua en América Latina apoyadas en decisiones del mercado, que excluyen definiciones relativas al bienestar general y al enfoque de derechos humanos.Para los fines del presente documento, nos circunscribiremos a exponer argumentos de (…)

, por Noticias Aliadas

Aumenta brecha entre ricos y pobres

El 20% más rico acapara casi 60% de los recursos, mientras que el 20% más pobre recibe sólo el 3.5%.
América Latina y el Caribe es el continente más urbanizado del mundo. Cuatro de cada cinco latinoamericanos viven en centros urbanos en la región, pero no todos tienen acceso a servicios (…)

, by Pambazuka

Race, liberation and authentic citizenship in South Africa

A discussion with the Afrikaner Resistance Movement’s Andrie Visagie on live national television has ‘brought into sharp focus a whole host of tensions, contradictions and implications of what it means to be a South African in 2010’, writes Liepollo Lebohang Pheko. Visagie’s outburst is a (…)

, by In These Times

The New ‘Lost Generation’: Young Workers

A devastating new report, "The Kids Aren’t All Right," released by the Economic Policy Institute underscores the plight facing young workers in the US—and how little is being done to address the long-term damage this recession has inflicted on a generation of workers. Read more

, por Carta Maior

Tributação desigual e miséria, saldos da hegemonia neoliberal

por Hideyo Saito

Sistemas tributários favoráveis aos ricos são herança da fase de hegemonia neoliberal no mundo, consolidada a partir do final dos anos 1970. Houve ampliação do fosso entre ricos e pobres e aumentou a miséria e a fome no mundo, em pleno século XXI, quando a humanidade dispõe de meios técnicos e (…)

, par Novethic

Des inégalités persistantes entre hommes et femmes

par Béatrice Héraud

Novartis accusé de discrimination envers les femmes aux Etats-Unis Depuis le 7 avril, l’une des plus importantes actions collectives contre des discriminations faites aux femmes dans le monde professionnel se tient aux Etats-Unis. Sur le banc des accusés : la division pharmaceutique du groupe (…)

, por GRZYBOWSKI Cândido

Bens comuns e Bem viver


A crise climática virou senso comum. Com isso, vivemos um daqueles momentos raros da história humana em que é possível instaurar um debate sobre os próprios fundamentos do nosso modo de vida. Basta extrair do senso comum o bom senso transformador, no exato sentido que lhe deu Gramsci, falando da (…)

, by New York Times

Big Banks Draw Profits From Microloans to Poor

In recent years, the idea of giving small loans to poor people became the darling of the development world, hailed as the long elusive formula to propel even the most destitute into better lives. But the phenomenon has grown so popular that some of its biggest proponents are now wringing their (…)

, by Frontline

Stunted India

India has the largest number of stunted, wasted and underweight children in the world. Under-nutrition, as a “silent” emergency, haunts the lives of millions of Indian children. Several facts reveal the magnitude and severity of the nutritional crisis facing the country. Close to two million (…)

, por BOFF Leonardo

Rio: a falta dos ‘profetas da ecologia’


Entre os dias 5-8 de abril do corrente ano, o Estado do Rio de Janeiro (a cidade e outras vizinhas, especialmente Niterói) conheceram a maior enchente histórica dos últimos 48 anos. Houve grandes alagamentos nas principais ruas, deslizamentos de encostas, subida de um metro e meio da águas da (…)

Alternativas civilizatorias: Los viejos nuevos sentidos de humanidad

América Latina en Movimiento, No 453, marzo 2010

El sistema-mundo moderno, capitalista, registra de manera simultánea una crisis en todos los planos. Es por eso que hoy se habla de crisis civilizatoria, pues ya no se trata de un ciclo más de crisis. La edición 453 de América Latina en Movimiento da continuidad a la temática planteada en el (…)

, by OpenDemocracy

Beyond “liddism”: towards real global security

The first decade of the 21st century has been dominated by wars that have killed or injured close to half a million people, wars that arose after determined paramilitaries used parcel-knives to exploit the weaknesses of the world’s most advanced state. That incident might in principle have been (…)

, by KURLANTZICK Joshua, London Review of Books

Thailand: Red v. Yellow

In recent decades, Thailand has been running one of the world’s most successful national marketing campaigns. Building on its reputation for hospitality, beautiful beaches and splendid food, the tourism ministry has created an image of Thailand as an exotic paradise where travellers are ushered (…)

, por EcoPortal

La economía feminista como paradigma alternativo

La economía neoclásica, neoliberal o capitalista ha fracasado. Casi ningún economista convencional lo reconoce, pero el crack del 2008 y sus consecuencias, la crisis climática, el ensanchamiento de la brecha de desigualdad y el hambre crónica del 20 por ciento de la población constituyen los (…)

, by Foreign Policy in Focus

The Political Economy of Earthquakes

The survivors of the devastating earthquakes in Haiti and Chile are still scrambling to deal with the damage. Here, however, pundits are still scrambling to explain the dramatic difference in impact. Haiti’s quake on January 12 came in at 7.0 on the Richter scale, leveled the capital city, and (…)

, by

Afghanistan as a Drug War

Since Afghanistan now grows the opium poppies that provide more than 90% of the world’s opium, the raw material for the production of heroin, it’s not surprising that drug-trade news and war news intersect from time to time. More surprising is how seldom poppy growing and the drug trade are (…)