Tous les articles et traductions

, by CSE

Rich lands, poor people. Is sustainable mining possible?

State of India’s Environment - 6, 2008, $ 50 or e-Book $28, 355 pages

This edition of SoE illustrates the immense challenges facing the mining sector in India: how to ensure ecological security together with inclusive development. It assesses the sector’s efficacy in promoting ’growth’ in mineral-rich areas, while scrutinising government initiatives in (…)

, by CSE

Coming of a desert

by Kirtiman Awasthi

Winemakers in Spain could soon find themselves scrambling for juicy red grapes. People may also find olives and cheese missing from their salad plates.
The olive and grape farms that thrived in the balmy Mediterranean could become relics of the past with countries like Spain facing the (…)

, by Southern African NGO Network (SANGONeT)

E-Waste in South Africa

Butjwana Seokoma

In a bid to tackle the problem of electronic-waste (e-waste) in South Africa, the e-Waste Association of South Africa (eWASA) hosted a one-day conference on 7 November 2008 in Johannesburg.
The conference was aimed at providing a platform to discuss the successes and lessons learnt while (…)

, by International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

Mini Action Guide Forced Labour 2008

Forced labour is often associated with slavery. That is correct. Forced labour is therefore often associated with the past. This is incorrect. Forced labour continues to manifest itself in new forms throughout the world, and certain contemporary forms are even increasing in numbers of victims in (…)

, by The Building Communication Opportunities (BCO)

BCO Impact Assessment Study

The final report

Building Communication Opportunities (BCO) is an alliance of development organisations concerned with information, communications and development issues. It was formed in 2004 with an initial three-year mandate to support activities which make use of information and communications resources and (…)

, by CHOMSKY Noam

The Financial Crisis of 2008

Interviewed by Simone Bruno

I would like to talk about the current crisis. How is it that so many people could see it coming, but the people in charge of governments and economies didn’t, or didn’t prepare?
The basis for the crisis is predictable and it was in fact predicted. It is built into financial liberalization (…)

, by The Palestine Monitor

The Real Goal of Israel’s Blockade of Gaza

Jonathan Cook

The latest tightening of Israel’s chokehold on Gaza – ending all supplies into the Strip for more than a week – has produced immediate and shocking consequences for Gaza’s 1.5 million inhabitants.
The refusal to allow in fuel has forced the shutting down of Gaza’s only power station, creating (…)

Reflections on the III Americas Social Forum, Guatemala

By Michael Leon Guerrero and Cindy Wiesner Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

The 3rd Americas Social Forum (ASF3) convened October 7-12, 2008 in Guatemala City was an important and exciting benchmark for the global social forum process. It was grounded by its grassroots nature with strong participation of peasants, women, and indigenous peoples, and by the dialogues and (…)

, by

Rethinking China’s Urban Water Privatization

by Xinjiang Conservation Fund

This is the English summary of 60 pages full report "Rethinking China’s Urban Water Privatization" in Chinese written by Xinjiang Conservation Fund based in Beijing. Based on reviews of development of the urban water sector since 1949, data analysis and interpretation of 500 household surveys in (…)

, by HALWEIL Brian

Farming Fish for the Future

Worldwatch Report, 50 pages, E-book $12.95

From Asia to North America, people are eating more seafood, either because it’s the most affordable form of protein (as in many poorer nations) or because it’s the latest health food trend (as in many wealthy nations). But as the demand for fish rises, populations of both marine and freshwater (…)

, by Pambazuka

Africa and global finance: potential resistance?

by Patrick Bond

Far-reaching strategic debate is underway about how to respond to the global financial crisis, and indeed how the North’s problems can be tied into a broader critique of capitalism.
At minimum, the ongoing chaos offers new ideological space and material justifications for African finance (…)

A report back from the iSummit ’08 labs

iSummit in Sapporo, Japan from 29 July to 1 August, 2008

During the final plenary session of the iSummit ’08, participants from each lab did a report back on what was achieved in their meetings and workshops over the last three days, and what their plans are for the future. The iSummit reporters collaborated on a final article to share their feedback (…)

, by Partnership Africa Canada (PAC)

Diamonds and Human Security : Annual Review 2008

Just as peace is not simply the absence of war, an end to conflict diamonds does not necessarily mean that diamonds will create prosperity or that human security will prevail in the areas where they are mined. The campaign to halt conflict diamonds has largely succeeded, although the phenomenon (…)

Corporate Social Responsibility: Whose Voice Is Heard?

MVO Platform

“The voice from the South is not heard enough when it comes to defining corporate social responsibility.” That message came clearly across during the CSR World Wide Week in May 2008. Some 27 civil society representatives, mainly experts from NGOs and trade unions, from Eastern Europe, Africa, (…)