Whereas, modern biotechnology has promise for the improvement of human wellbeing,
its potential adverse effects on the environment, biological diversity and
human health are causing a growing public concern;
Whereas, it is the responsibility of the Government to ensure the safety of the
people and the environment with respect to the risks arising from genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) and products of genetically modified organisms
resulting from modern biotechnology;
Whereas, with the potential risks posed by genetic modification it is consistent with
the precautionary principle to regulate any undertaking for the making, import,
contained use, release or placing on the market of genetically modified organisms
and products of genetically modified organisms;
Whereas, it is important to enhance the capacity, which is necessary to cope with
the nature and scale of known and potential risks, associated with genetically
modified organisms and products of genetically modified organisms;
Whereas African countries need to deal with imports of genetically modified food
through aid or trade;
Noting that the approach to genetically modified organisms will impact on African
countries’ trade with other countries.
- Read the Submission by The African Centre for Biosafety to the Department of Science and Technology of the Draft Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Funded Research Bill (‘Draft Bill’): http://www.biosafetyafrica.net/
- Read the "African model law on safety in biotechnology"