Tous les articles et traductions

Media, Activism, and Change

Gender and Media Diversity Journal, Gender Links

The fourth edition of the Gender and Media Diversity Journal focuses on the topic of media, activism and change. It explores various aspects of media activism – how media itself plays an activist role and how activists are increasingly using the media more pro-actively on issues as diverse as (…)

Goodbye to freedom ? A survey of media freedom in 20 European countries

By the Association of European Journalists, November 2007

This Survey is written by journalists active in 20 member states of the Council of Europe, the main guardian of human rights and democracy for the continent. It provides a snapshot of the many different aspects of the continuing struggle for media freedom and independence, including violence (…)

Software: free West Africa?

, by APCNoticias

So as to play a part in the information society, free software could drive the computerisation of West Africa. But although migration to free software may be a development alternative, it first has to transit via organising the world of developers and navigate through the interests of (…)

The fight against female circumcision in West Africa transposed on the internet

by Sylvie Niombo

, by GenderIT

Sylvie Niombo, APC-Africa-Women Co-Coordinator, examines a role of information and communication technologies in the fight against female circumcision, a harmful practice carried out on over a hundred million girls and women in West African countries. She explores ’shadow areas’ through a closer (…)