Tous les articles et traductions

, por Página 12

Geopolítica del conocimiento

Por Ernesto Martinchuk

Para Ernesto Martinchuk, la integración sudamericana tiene que poner en la comunicación una mirada estratégica para apoyarse en la tradición intelectual y cultural de la región.
Se realizó la semana última en Tecnópolis la reunión Patria Grande Conectada. Es importante destacar que hoy uno de (…)

, by Global Forest Coalition

REDD Realities

How strategies to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation could impact on biodiversity and Indigenous Peoples in developing countries
Executive Summary
This publication includes independent monitoring reports on the development of national strategies to Reduce Emissions (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Tibet burning

By Topden Tsering

A close look at past and present shows the self-immolators and their struggle to be anything but apolitical.
The string of self-immolations inside Tibet – started in 2009 by a Kirti Monastery monk named Tapey and which most recently claimed two monks in Barkham County on 30 March – shows no (…)

, by Frontline

India’s Budget: Losing direction

By Jayati Ghosh

The Budget provides proof of the United Progressive Alliance government having forgotten the importance of its own “flagship schemes”.
BUDGET 2012-13 provides conclusive proof that the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government has lost its way. It has managed the remarkable feat of (…)

, par The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI)

Une éducation sous occupation

Cet article a initialement été publié en anglais sur ICSSI, et il a été traduit par Alix Chancerelle, traductrice bénévole pour rinoceros.
Lorsque les derniers soldats américains ont quitté l’Irak en décembre dernier, la plupart des journalistes dépêchés sur le terrain pendant la guerre en ont (…)

, por IHU

Fragmentos de Nova Iorque nos seis meses do Occupy

Por José Soeiro e publicado no portal

Aconteceu, entre 16 e 18 de março, o Left Forum, encontro que juntou mais de 4 mil ativistas em Nova Iorque, organizado por dezenas de associações, revistas, grupos políticos, redes de pesquisa, coletivos ativistas dos Estados Unidos da América. Aqui alguns fragmentos desses dias em Nova Iorque. (…)

, par Egalité

L’Union des femmes jordaniennes protège et autonomise les femmes depuis 1945

Par Myriam Merlant

Il n’est pas facile de se repérer dans le dédale des bâtiments de la Jordanian Women’s Union (l’Union des femmes jordaniennes). Scindés en deux par une étroite ruelle, les locaux abritent d’un côté le centre d’appel, le centre de refuge et les lieux des activités économiques. De l’autre, des (…)

, por Social Watch

Medición de la inequidad : el Índice de Equidad de Género2012

El Índice de Equidad de Género (IEG) mide la brecha entre hombres y mujeres en educación, actividad económica y empoderamiento político. Social Watch calcula un valor de la brecha de género para cada una de las tres áreas, en una escala del 0 (cuando, por ejemplo, ninguna mujer recibe educación (…)


Cultural Villages: Defining Moments Or Problematic Perspectives?

By Charlene Houston

In a recent media article, the Mayor of Cape Town’s spokesperson stated that the City intends to establish a Khoisan village in Hout Bay’s Hangberg fishing village, as a way of building an inclusive city. In the past, similar announcements have been made in the context of boosting tourism in the (…)

, by Other News

Welcome to the Levant

By Manvendra Singh

Any attempts at playing Good Samaritan in Syria must be tempered by the fact that this is the Levant, where Asia touches the Mediterranean.
Ba’ath Party rule is as despicable a form of Government as is possible to find. Ruthless in their tyranny, Ba’athists employ every possible means of (…)

, por SALES Mione

O sertão virou fotografia

O sertão já virou cinema pelas mãos de Glauber Rocha e Rosemberg Cariry. O sertão já virou literatura pelas mãos e penas de muitos escritores regionalistas, sendo Vidas Secas de Graciliano Ramos e Grande Sertão Veredas de Guimarães Rosa, ícones nacionais e internacionais. O sertão virou mar na (…)

, por Outras Palavras

Na Europa Oriental, saudades do nazismo

Por Rafael Poch, do La Vanguardia | Tradução: Daniela Frabasile

Sob impacto da crise, ressurgem anticomunismo e antissemitismo primários. E a extrema direita, que governa Hungria, ensaia uma saída populista
O parlamento da Estônia aprovará em março, com ampla maioria, a concessão do título de “lutadores da liberdade” aos membros da “Legião SS” estoniana (…)


Talking about Race Without Ending Racism

By Anna Majavu

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has been campaigning furiously for the past two months against the assertion that Cape Town is racist, after this was again thrust into the public spotlight at the beginning of the year by acclaimed singer Simphiwe Dana’s tweet that “no matter how famous/ rich you (…)

, par AlterEchos

La pire entreprise de la planète est une entreprise minière brésilienne

L’entreprise minière brésilienne Vale vient d’être désignée comme la pire société de la planète suite à la consultation des Public Eye Awards, connu comme le « Nobel » de la honte pour les entreprises privées. L’annonce a été faite lors d’une conférence de presse tenue à Porto Alegre (Brésil), à (…)

Regards croisés sur l’internet

Par Henri Desbois, Clarisse Herrenschmidt, Paul Mathias, Philippe Rygiel

Coordination éditoriale de Éric Guichard , Editions Presses de l’enssib, janvier 2012, 28,00 €
L’arrivée de l’internet fait figure de révolution : intellectuelle, technologique, idéologique, sociologique. Cet ouvrage a pour ambition de poser quelques jalons théoriques et historiques : (…)

India Human Development Report 2011: Towards Social Inclusion

By Planning Commission, OUP Oxford, New Delhi, 568 pages, 2011

Questioning whether certain sections of Indian society suffer from multiple deprivations, the National Human Development Report 2011 evaluates whether the social indicators of the excluded groups are converging or diverging with the rest of the population.
The Report addresses three critical (…)

, by Frontline

Retreat on retail

By C.P. Chandrasekhar

Resistance by a combined opposition thwarts the Union Cabinet’s move to allow foreign investors 51 per cent equity in multi-brand retail.
IT was an avoidable diversion. While Parliament was in session, the Union Cabinet met to approve hitherto prohibited foreign direct investment (FDI) in (…)