Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (AnTAR)

ANTaR is the preeminent non-Indigenous national advocacy organisation dedicated specifically to the rights - and overcoming the disadvantage - of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We do this primarily through lobbying, public campaigns and advocacy.

ANTaR’s focus is on changing the attitudes and behaviours of non-Indigenous Australians so that the rights and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are respected and affirmed across all sections of society.

ANTaR persuades governments, through advocacy and lobbying, to show genuine leadership and build cross-party commitment to Indigenous policy.

ANTaR works to generate in Australia a moral and legal recognition of, and respect for, the distinctive status of Indigenous Australians as First Peoples.

ANTaR is a non-government, not-for-profit, community-based organisation.

ANTaR campaigns nationally on key issues such as Close The Gap, reducing Aboriginal incarceration, eliminating violence and abuse, constitutional change, racism and other significant Indigenous causes.

ANTaR has been working with Indigenous organisations and leaders on rights and reconciliation issues since 1997.

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