Tous les articles et traductions

, by The New Humanitarian , ROJO Magdalena, ROJO Noel

Reporters’ diary: What women who stay can tell us about migration

We spent six years talking to women who stayed put while men in their lives migrated. This is what we learned.

Most of the time, to write about migration means telling the stories of people who move: those forced from their homes by natural disasters, conflict, violence, or the effects of climate change, or so fed up with limited economic opportunities, corruption, and bad governance that the faint glint (…)

Watch the roundtable presenting Passerelle Collection’s n°22

"Democracies Under Pressure. Authoritarianism, Repression, Struggles"

You can watch here the roundtable discussing the latest issue of Passerelle Collection Democracies Under Pressure. Authoritarianism, Repression, Struggles, which was held online on Wednesday, May 19th 2021 on ritimo’s PeerTube account.

, by Mapping the commons

Mapping the Commons of Athens and Istanbul

Cartographier les Communs d’Athènes et Istanbul

Face aux politiques néolibérales, quel rôle les Communs peuvent-ils jouer ? Des citoyens en Grèce d’abord puis à Istanbul ont décidé d’explorer cette question en cartographiant les Communs. Les cartes en ligne et les vidéos rendent visibles les expériences qui soutiennent la vie quotidienne des (…)

, by SciDev.Net

Agricultural biotechnology ’should be open source’

Les biotechnologies agricoles devraient être ’open source’

Résumé en français : Pour certains scientifiques, l’intégration des principes de l’accès libre aux biotechnologies agricoles pourrait procurer d’énormes avantages aux pays en développement.
[NEW DELHI] Open source biotechnology, through which biotechnology inventions are made freely available (…)

, by Himal Southasian , ADVE Nagraj

"Development" at uncommon cost

Le coût exhorbitant du développement

Cet article rend compte de l’ouvrage ’Communities, Commons and Corporations" édité par Perspectives, une organisation non-gouvernementale d’étudiants et chercheurs de l’université de Delhi. Leur objectif est de "rendre compte de la vie et des luttes des populations qui se situent à la marge de (…)

, by MASSIAH Gustave

Reflections on the European Social Movement

For several years we have been faced with the need to build a European Social Movement, with all its challenges. The European Social Forums were, for a while, an expression of this dynamic. But we must admit that this dynamic is now faltering, due to the changing situation of Europe and in (…)

, by Infochange

Profiting from the needy

By Samir Nazareth

Samir Nazareth questions cause-related marketing which extends a corporation’s markets – for water purification sachets or sanitary napkins — in the guise of providing essential services to the poor.
In Bhopal, Unilever and Population Services International (PSI) are sensitising citizens to (…)

, by Down to earth

Sunshine sector loses sheen

By Kushal Pal Singh and Jonas Hamberg

About 40 kilometres from Delhi, in the bustling real estate market of Noida-Greater Noida, lies the biggest irony that the renewable energy industry faces. Indosolar, the country’s largest manufacturer of solar photovoltaic cells, has set up a 400 megawatt unit. [...]
Polysilicon wafers, the (…)


Youth Unemployment: A Global Challenge

By Glenn Ashton

All over the world the youngest, historically most employable sector of society is struggling to find secure employment. In China an estimated one third of college graduates are unable to get work. In Spain and Greece unemployment amongst the youth has risen above 50%. In South Africa it is (…)

, by OpenDemocracy

Can disruptive policy create a sustainable finance system?

By Chris Hewett

The ideas for creating a new and sustainable finance system are out there. If this thinking doesn’t get greater exposure to policy makers and the media, the world of finance will remain a barrier to social and environmental progress.
Since the financial crisis of 2007/8, there remains an (…)

, by CIP Americas Program

50% of the 99%

By Laura Carlsen

This isn’t a math quiz. To put the question in non-numerical terms: where are women in the global economic crisis?
The movement of the 99 percent that began in the United States made visible the human beings who suffer the brutal inequality and injustice of an economic system that, in crisis, (…)