Tous les articles et traductions

The Revolution Will Be Mapped

, by Miller McCune

GIS mapping technology is helping underprivileged communities get better services — from education and transportation to health care and law enforcement — by showing exactly what discrimination looks like. Read more

Mekong Media Forum 2009

, by IPS

Some 225 participants, the bulk of them journalists from Mekong countries, are set to discuss, debate and take stock of their media environment against a backdrop of changing and often quite different news cultures at the Mekong Media Forum, which starts here Dec. 9.
The four-day media (…)

USA: Mapping DREAM Act Online Youth Movements

, by Global Voices

Immigrant high school and university students in the United States have used the internet effectively in building activist networks to support the passing of a law called the DREAM act.
«I have been living in the U.S. for most of my life and now that i have graduated high school i can’t (…)

Iran’s Twitter Revolution

by Ari Berman / The Nation

Forget CNN or any of the major American "news" networks. If you want to get the latest on the opposition protests in Iran, you should be reading blogs, watching YouTube or following Twitter updates from Tehran, minute-by-minute.
Some absolutely riveting and thrilling reporting has been done (…)

Sri Lanka: Media Kept on Tight Leash

, by IPS

As the latest round of Asia’s longest-running guerrilla war winds down, scores of journalists here are experiencing intimidation and harassment for being critical of the military campaign against the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
The issues currently in focus are the (…)

Media Concentration in South Africa: Where are we going?


, by ASHTON Glenn

The recent resignation of the editor of the Cape Times, Tyrone August, over what appears to be executive interference in the traditional structures of local newspapers, should set alarm bells ringing. His departure was evidently triggered by a shift towards the concentration of editing duties in (…)

How Many Divisions?


Nearly seventy years ago, in the course of World War II, a heinous crime was committed in the city of Leningrad. For more than a thousand days, a gang of extremists called “the Red Army” held the millions of the town’s inhabitants hostage and provoked retaliation from the German Wehrmacht from (…)

Cultivating Violence through Technology? Exploring the Connections Between Information Communication Technologies and Violence Against Women

Jac sm Kee, APC WNSP (Women’s networking support programme), 2005

, by Association for Progressive Communications (APC)

In recent years, information communication technologies (ICTs) and violence against women (VAW) have become intricately entwined. This paper examines how ’new ICTs’ - digital technologies like the internet, multimedia and wireless phones - facilitate or enable a culture of VAW in the areas of (…)

Global Information Society Watch 2008

, by The Global Information Society Watch

How do we ensure access to the internet is a human right enjoyed by everyone?
This is one of the critical questions asked by an annual publication that highlights the importance of people’s access to information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure – and where and how countries (…)

BCO Impact Assessment Study

The final report

, by The Building Communication Opportunities (BCO)

Building Communication Opportunities (BCO) is an alliance of development organisations concerned with information, communications and development issues. It was formed in 2004 with an initial three-year mandate to support activities which make use of information and communications resources and (…)

A report back from the iSummit ’08 labs

iSummit in Sapporo, Japan from 29 July to 1 August, 2008

During the final plenary session of the iSummit ’08, participants from each lab did a report back on what was achieved in their meetings and workshops over the last three days, and what their plans are for the future. The iSummit reporters collaborated on a final article to share their feedback (…)

Unequal protection, cyber crime and the internet in India

, by GenderIT

In assessing cyber crime legislation, policy makers and gender and development advocates must carefully consider the implications for privacy and information security. On the one hand, ICT have created opportunities to combat inequality through movements and communities against issues that were (…)

Communication experts endorse alternative media

, by Haayo-Mediatic

About 120 communication experts, meeting in Accra, have endorsed a blend of modern information and communication technologies with traditional and other alternative media forms to disseminate information for development in the globalised world.
The participants, from Africa, the Caribbeans and (…)