Clearview announced it will offer its surveillance tech to Ukraine. It seems no human tragedy is off-limits to surveillance companies looking to sanitise their image.
The Clearview/Ukraine partnership
How surveillance companies exploit war
How surveillance companies exploit war
Clearview announced it will offer its surveillance tech to Ukraine. It seems no human tragedy is off-limits to surveillance companies looking to sanitise their image.
The UK intends to send asylum seekers to the east African country. Rights groups say LGBTIQ people will be particularly at risk
South Asia’s response to the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine tells a story. It’s a story of how the responses of three countries — Pakistan, India and Bangladesh — to the tragedy unfolding in front of the eyes of the world reflect the limits of the neoliberal-inspired constructs of international relations today.
How digital capitalism, despite often being framed as potential growth engine, exploits the already marginalized and reproduces inequalities and power-relations between Africans.
It is possible to say that underdevelopment afflicted me when I was 13 years old. On January 20, 1949 I became underdeveloped along with two billion other people of the non-western world, the former colonies, when president Truman took office and adopted the word as a political emblem of (…)
One year ago, as the Myanmar military sent tanks down the streets and rounded up government officials and activists, it shut down the internet, mobile phone networks, radio, and television channels. As it plunged the country into a communications blackhole, the junta launched concerted assaults at already threadbare protections online to throttle expression and information-sharing. Today, the military is ramping up efforts to cement authoritarian control of online space, alongside violent crackdowns, and serious human rights violations. This is a digital coup, and the world must resist.
Amidst this country-wide civil rebellion, the military junta is speedily moving to reinstate the Islamist regime led by former dictator Omar al Bashir, who was ousted in April 2019
Western countries have all opposed the Russian invasion of Ukraine and recognized the Ukrainians’ right to self-defense. But this same right is not recognized when it comes to the Palestinians vis-à-vis the Israeli occupation.
Omicron travel bans on Africa: “The history of racism, inequalities and discrimination is interwoven with the science”
At COP-26, Indigenous representatives from across the world went to Glasgow to raise their voices, and try to influence the decisions that would shape the future of our planet. Despite their clear calls for a future in which fossil fuels are left in the ground, local ownership of land and (…)
"Democracies Under Pressure. Authoritarianism, Repression, Struggles"
You can watch here the roundtable discussing the latest issue of Passerelle Collection Democracies Under Pressure. Authoritarianism, Repression, Struggles, which was held online on Wednesday, May 19th 2021 on ritimo’s PeerTube account.
This article examines how refugees displaced from Myanmar in Mae Sot city on the Thailand-Myanmar border use various types of identification documents as a tool to extend their rights, including the right to citizenship, the right to work and the right to education.
Keynote speech at World Social Forum on Labor Migration, Miriam College, Quezon City, Philippines, Nov 26, 2012
I would like, first of all, to congratulate the Migrant Forum of Asia, the Center of Migrant Advocacy, and all other organizations that have put together this historic World Social (…)
Neoliberalism is in crisis but still dominating. Position concerning neoliberalism plays a major political role. We could confirm it recently in all countries of Maghreb and Machrek. After 2011, the new cycle of struggles and revolutions has offered and is still offering great hopes. They (…)
Bonne pêche, mauvaise pêche
Les pêcheurs se sentent désormais dévalorisés dans leurs savoirs du fait de l’introduction des nouvelles techniques (chalut, sonar, GPS). Rares sont les pêcheurs qui encouragent leurs enfants à travailler dans la pêche. Quand leurs revenus s’améliorent, ils incitent leurs enfants à étudier. Le (…)
Résumé en français : Dans cette déclaration à l’occasion de la Conférence mondiale des télécommunications internationales qui s’est tenue à Dubaï du 3 au 14 décembre 2012, l’AMARC rappelle que "la radio doit d’être d’accès universel, gratuit et anonyme, et que l’accès au spectre pour les radios (…)
Quatre choses à savoir sur la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima
Dissimulation de défauts de conception et de production dans certaines parties des réacteurs de Fukushima, nombre de personnes évacuées vivant toujours - deux ans plus tard - en logement temporaire, fabricants des réacteurs qui font maintenant des bénéfices en nettoyant la catastrophe qu’ils ont (…)
Le monde de la géo-ingénierie
ETC Group publie une carte du monde de la géo-ingénierie - un ensemble de technologies expérimentales qui visent à modifier intentionnellement le climat à l’échelle globale et régionale. Cette carte documente près de 300 projets de géo-ingénierie, des recherches et expérimentations à l’échelle (…)
Le Forum Social des Peuples (Canada, 2014)
Résumé en français : Retour sur l’énorme succès du premier rassemblement pour l’organisation du Forum social des Peuples du Canada qui aura lieu en 2014. Ce weekend préparatoire s’est tenu les 26 et 27 janvier à l’Université d’Ottawa et réunissait des représentants de la société civile (…)