Tous les articles et traductions

Kenya’s biofuel evictions

By Tracy McVeigh

, by Chinadialogue

In the Tana Delta’s unique wetlands, villagers fight for their plots of land as the government forces them out — to make way for water-thirsty sugar-cane and jatropha plantations.
Gamba Manyatta village is empty now, weeds already roping around the few skeletal hut frames still standing. The (…)

Women living in a globalized world

, by Social Watch

Globalization has contributed to the destabilization and marginalization of women, but has also meant enhanced communications and organization and atransnational connectivity that must be united asorganizations and networks struggle to sustain themselves and maintain resilience in the face of (…)

When are International Criminal Tribunals effective?

By Daniele Archibugi

, by OpenDemocracy

International courts and tribunals need to become real instruments of justice – and not simply tools for the strong – if the promise of Immanuel Kant’s universal community is to become a reality
A new institutional actor has started to be a recurrent character in world politics: the (…)

Salwa Judum and the Supreme Court

By Madhav Khosla

, by The Hindu

The carefully constructed decision to disband the untrained force of young Special Police Officers in Chhattisgarh holds important lessons for the exercise of executive power.
The Supreme Court’s decision in Nandini Sundar and Ors. v. State of Chhattisgarh is no ordinary one and, (…)

Nestlé Colombia under scrutiny

, by Alliance Sud

Alliance Sud and Nestlé have been engaged in a high-level dialogue on Colombia between 2006 and 2011. Alliance Sud examined the behaviour of the multinational and the accusations being levelled at it by local trade unions. Two years later it evaluated the implementation of its recommendations. (…)

Scenes from the battlefield

By Iryna Vidanava

, by Eurozine

Despite renewed crackdowns on the independent media in Belarus, there are signs that the tide is turning in the battle for free speech in the country. However, victory for the democratic forces will require politicizing Belarus’ young Internet audience, writes Iryna Vidanava.
Since the flawed (…)

Rise of the Russian Orthodox Church

By Vladimir Radyuhin

, by The Hindu

Notwithstanding the indifference of most Russians, the Orthodox Church, with active support from the state, has effectively established itself as state religion.
After the collapse of the atheist Soviet Union, state persecution of religion came to an end in Russia. The new law on (…)

Framing Muslims. Stereotyping and representation after 9/11

Peter MOREY, Amina YAQIN, Harvard Univesity Press, 256 pp, June 2011, £20.95

Can Muslims ever fully be citizens of the West? Can the values of Islam ever be brought into accord with the individual freedoms central to the civic identity of Western nations? Not if you believe what you see on TV. Whether the bearded fanatic, the veiled, oppressed female, or the shadowy (…)

For humane prisons

By R.K. Raghavan

, by Frontline

The traditional neglect of jails is a result of a morally flawed assessment that incarceration is meant solely to be penal rather than reformative.
A prison that deprives prisoners of basic sustenance, including adequate medical care, is incompatible with the concept of human dignity and has (…)

‘Finally, the truth is getting out’

, by Frontline

Interview with Teesta Setalvad of Citizens for Justice and Peace, which is fighting for justice for the victims of the 2002 riots.
TEESTA SETALVAD is the co-editor of Communalism Combat and has been in the forefront of the fight against communal forces and in defence of human rights. Through (…)

Gaza’s economic crisis reflects the indignity of occupation

By Michelle Chen

, by Common Dreams

While governments in Europe and the U.S. scramble to boost jobs and revive markets, one country in the “developed” world is striving to pauperize an entire society.
The Gaza Strip is both an occupied territory and a no man’s land; its disenfranchised population has for years remained trapped (…)

Water and privatisation in Africa

, by Pambazuka

Special issue on water and water privatisation in Africa produced as a joint initiative of the Transnational Institute, Ritimo and Pambazuka News. This special issue is also being published in French.
Africa: access to water and privatisation - Why proclaim access to water a (…)

The cost of adding carbon credits to clean water

By Shiney Varghese

, by Pambazuka

This article is part of a special issue on water and water privatisation in Africa produced as a joint initiative of the Transnational Institute, Ritimo and Pambazuka News. This special issue is also being published in French.
Linking carbon credits to clean water initiatives as a means of (…)

Strengthening public water

South–South–North public–public partnerships

, by Pambazuka

By Samir Bensaid
This article is part of a special issue on water and water privatisation in Africa produced as a joint initiative of the Transnational Institute, Ritimo and Pambazuka News. This special issue is also being published in French.
While both North–South partnerships and (…)

Public-Public Partnerships in water

An overview

, by Pambazuka

By David Hall
This article is part of a special issue on water and water privatisation in Africa produced as a joint initiative of the Transnational Institute, Ritimo and Pambazuka News. This special issue is also being published in French.
Donors and development banks have largely focused (…)