Tous les articles et traductions

, par HRW

Criminalisation des identités

Atteintes aux droits humains au Cameroun fondées sur l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité de genre
Le rapport de 70 pages, intitulé « Criminalisation des identités : Atteintes aux droits humains au Cameroun fondées sur l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité de genre », renseigne en détail sur (…)

, por ALAI

Nuevas tendencias en el agro

América Latina en Movimiento No 459, octubre 2010

En este período marcado por las crisis, entre 2007 y 2008 se extendió en el mundo la crisis alimentaria. No por falta de alimentos (para entonces se registró un record de producción de éstos), sino por la vigencia de un sistema internacional agroalimentario que tiene como matriz el agronegocio. (…)

, por WRM

Los monocultivos avanzan

> Cetri

La característica principal de los monocultivos es que no solamente desplazan las alternativas sino que las destruyen. No toleran otros sistemas ni son capaces de reproducirse a sí mismos de manera sustentable, escribía Vandana Shiva en su clásico ensayo de 1993 “Monocultivos de la mente”.
Los (…)

, par IPS

ZAMBIE : La pauvreté répandue menace de compromettre les acquis des OMD

A moins que la Zambie s’attaque aux niveaux élevés de pauvreté, les grands progrès déjà accomplis par le pays dans la réalisation de certains des Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement (OMD) pourraient être compromis, préviennent les organisations de la société civile.
A première vue, (…)

, by Pambazuka

Democracy before democracy in Africa

Alemayehu G. Mariam

Since the dawn of African independence from colonialism in the early 1960s, African liberation leaders and founding fathers qua dictators, military junta and ‘new breed’ leaders have sought to justify the one-man, one-party state and avoid genuine multiparty democracy by fabricating a blend of (…)

, por ADITAL

Brasileiros (as) elegem Dilma Rousseff, primeira presidenta do país

por Natasha Pitts

Nesse domingo (31), brasileiros e brasileiras elegeram sua primeira presidenta. Dilma Rousseff, do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), venceu o pleito em segundo turno, em que disputava a presidência do Brasil para os próximos quatros anos com José Serra, do Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira (…)

, by The Hindu

Millennium Development Goals & India

The Government of India claims that the country is on track to meet the MDG targets by 2015. [...] It is, however, difficult to endorse the government’s confidence and optimism. [...] Feudal social structures continue to oppress millions of people. Health and economic indices of the Scheduled (…)

, por ADITAL

Homens defendem causa das mulheres e pedem despenalização do aborto

por Tatiana Félix

Um grupo de homens formado por jornalistas, religiosos, militantes dos direitos humanos, médicos, entre outros, emitiram uma carta, no último dia 18, defendendo uma antiga causa de luta e sofrimento para as mulheres: a legalização do aborto na Argentina. Estimativas apontam que cerca de 100 (…)

, by TNI

European retailers: threatening livelihoods in India

The role of major supermarkets like Tesco in wiping out small retailers across Europe is well known. Now the giants have India in their sights. For a country in which small-scale retail employs 33 million people, what kind of impact will this have? Read more

, by The New Economics Foundation (nef)

Where did our money go?

Banks set to demand fresh bail-out in 2011

Despite at least £1.2 trillion of taxpayers’ money being put at risk to bail out the banking system, many of the major high street banks may well be asking for another hand-out from the public purse in 2011, according to new research from independent think-tank nef (the new economics (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Sri Lanka. Contradictions of capitalism

One of the major tasks that face progressive political forces in Sri Lanka today is to identify and tackle the major social contradictions generated by more than three decades of liberal economic policies. These interventions have to be at the local as well as global level. It now appears (…)

, by Himal Southasian

’Southasia’s commons are weakening’

Common property resource (CPR) management has long been a significant arrangement in many parts of rural Southasia, playing an important economic and environmental role at the grassroots. N S Jodha, who worked until recently at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development in (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Corralling the nomads

China’s anti-pastoralist policies in Tibet are not only culturally insensitive but environmentally disastrous.

Although its record of reserve-based biodiversity conservation is striking, Beijing’s approach to the conservation of living natural resources outside reserves is less impressive. Pressures for economic development often eclipse complex ecological and cultural factors. This is especially true on (…)

, by Pambazuka

MDGs in Africa: What progress?

The most recent issue of Pambazuka features several articles on the Millenium Development Goals: MDGS: HOW FAR WE’VE COME AND WHAT STILL HAS TO BE DONE. This week saw world leaders gathering in New York to review progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The solutions to (…)