Tous les articles et traductions

Bridging Partition: People’s Initiatives for Peace between India and Pakistan

Smitu Kothari and Zia Mian with Kamla Bhasin, A H Nayyar and Mohammad Tahseen (eds.), Orient Blackswan

Over the past three decades, in the shadow of hostile nationalisms fuelled by radical Islamic and Hindu politics, military crises, a runaway arms race, nuclear weapons and war, an amazing set of civil society initiatives has been taking root in India and Pakistan. A citizens’ diplomacy movement (…)

, par IPS

Les blessés de guerre laissés pour compte sont furieux

par Taylor Toeka Kakala

L’accord d’Ihusi signé en mars 2009 entre le gouvernement congolais et les groupes armés du Kivu, dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), prévoit la prise en charge des miliciens invalides. Cet accord exclut les militaires loyalistes blessés de guerre, qui trouvent cette mesure (…)

, by Tehelka

Building Stone Scarecrows

Nonviolent rights activits in Gujarat are being branded maoists and jailed, reports Parvaiz Bukhari. Dangs is the smallest and perhaps the most scenic Adivasi district of Gujarat. As you soak in the beauty and breathe the fresh air, Ashish Pawar, a young Adivasi activist acting as a guide, (…)

, by OpenDemocracy

Nigeria and the politics of massacre

In Nigeria, patterns of “religious” massacre are many decades old, but it is wrong to see this as simple “sectarianism”. A poor society facing modernisation at the hands of corrupt elites is vulnerable to the use of violence as a means of asserting economic and political power and the (…)

, por MARTINS Antonio

Armas nucleares: da hipocrisia à alternativa

Assim, que terminou ontem (13/4), em Washington, a Cúpula de Segurança Nuclear (Nuclear Security Summit), convocada pelo governo dos Estados Unidos, a mídia internacional chamou atenção para... Teerã. Iniciativa de Barack Obama, a cúpula tem importância real. Seu objetivo é evitar que a ameaça (…)

, by Foreign Policy in Focus

The New Anti-Nuclear Movement

There is a lot of news about nuclearism these days. But to cut through the verbiage of treaties and agreements and summits, and move people from fear to action, we need to focus on three concepts. The United States is the biggest problem when it comes to nuclear weapons. We need a new treaty to (…)

, por ALTMAN Breno

Lula está errado sobre o Irã?

Opera Mundi

Não são poucas as matérias, na imprensa nacional e internacional, que tratam de apontar para suposto isolamento do governo brasileiro na discussão sobre sanções contra o país dirigido por Mahmud Ahmadinejad.
Mesmo setores progressistas torcem o nariz com a insistência do presidente Lula em (…)

, by The Guardian

The ’Obama doctrine’: kill, don’t detain

The ambitious desire to close Guantánamo hailed the coming of a new era, a feeling implicitly recognised by the Nobel peace prize that President Obama received. Unfortunately, what we witnessed was a false dawn. The lawyers for the Guantánamo detainees with whom I am in touch in the US speak of (…)

, by OpenDemocracy

Beyond “liddism”: towards real global security

The first decade of the 21st century has been dominated by wars that have killed or injured close to half a million people, wars that arose after determined paramilitaries used parcel-knives to exploit the weaknesses of the world’s most advanced state. That incident might in principle have been (…)

, by

Afghanistan as a Drug War

Since Afghanistan now grows the opium poppies that provide more than 90% of the world’s opium, the raw material for the production of heroin, it’s not surprising that drug-trade news and war news intersect from time to time. More surprising is how seldom poppy growing and the drug trade are (…)

, par IPS

DESARMEMENT : A l’heure d’une convention globale sur les armes nucléaires

Selon Dimity Hawkins, directeur de la Campagne internationale pour l’abolition des armes nucléaires (ICAN), l’histoire n’a jamais fourni un meilleur moment pour agir sur le désarmement nucléaire. Le désir de libérer le monde de 23.300 armes nucléaires actuellement dans des stocks mondiaux fait (…)

, by ALI Tariq, London Review of Books

Unhappy Yemen

In the London Review of Books, Tariq Ali tells about his recent trip to Yemen, after Obama and other US politicians started hinting that this country might become a new frontline yet in the ’war on terror’.
Recounting the country’s history since World War II, and in particular the war and (…)

, par Pambazuka

Gisement pétrolier à la frontière

Le pire est à craindre entre la Côte d’Ivoire et le Ghana

La Côte d’Ivoire et le Ghana vont-il s’affronter autour du pétrole découvert à la frontière des deux pays ? La polémique est lancée, même si Abidjan et Accra jouent la carte de la diplomatie dans la gestion de ce dossier. Bertrand Gueu note que, vue d’Abidjan, la question fait plus l’objet de (…)

, by OpenDemocracy , KALDOR Mary

Reconceptualising war

What if defeating the enemy was the justification for war, but not its real goal? What if its goal was a certain kind of power-brokerage? On, Mary Kaldor attempts a redefinition of war in line with contemporary developments:
"Clausewitz defined war as an ‘an act of (…)

, por EcoPortal

Los desplazados por la soja y la minería

Por Darío Aranda

A medida que avanzan en el país las distintas industrias extractivas (petróleo, minería, monocultivos industriales) se incrementan como respuesta la organización de las comunidades rurales y pequeños pueblos, que resisten el avance empresarial. Un relevamiento de conflictos territoriales y (…)