Tous les articles et traductions

, by OpenDemocracy , KALDOR Mary

Reconceptualising war

What if defeating the enemy was the justification for war, but not its real goal? What if its goal was a certain kind of power-brokerage? On, Mary Kaldor attempts a redefinition of war in line with contemporary developments:
"Clausewitz defined war as an ‘an act of (…)

, por EcoPortal

Los desplazados por la soja y la minería

Por Darío Aranda

A medida que avanzan en el país las distintas industrias extractivas (petróleo, minería, monocultivos industriales) se incrementan como respuesta la organización de las comunidades rurales y pequeños pueblos, que resisten el avance empresarial. Un relevamiento de conflictos territoriales y (…)

, by Foreign Policy in Focus

Obama Boosts Nukes

Despite his pledge to seek nuclear disarmament, Obama is investing big in the nuclear complex.
On February 1, the Obama administration delivered a budget request calling for a full 10 percent increase in nuclear weapons spending next year, to be followed by further increases in subsequent (…)

, by International Crisis Group

Reforming Pakistan’s Civil Service

If Pakistan’s deteriorating civil service is not urgently repaired, public disillusionment and resentment could be used by the military to justify another spell of authoritarian rule.
Reforming Pakistan’s Civil Service, the latest report from the International Crisis Group, analyses the (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Waiting for the Jaffna train

Even as the people of Jaffna – and those who were displaced – make use of their new freedoms of movement, they are confronted with the effect of decades of political stagnation. Read more

, par Pambazuka

Les Sierra Léonais se souviennent de la guerre

Devant le Tribunal Spécial pour la Sierra Leone, il ne reste plus que l’ancien président Charles Taylor à être jugé pour ses crimes durant la guerre civile qui a ravagé le pays de 1991 à 2001. Voir ses trois autres acolytes chefs de guerre récolter 120 ans de prison ensemble, a été un (…)

, by IPS

Israel Declares War on Peace NGOs

One year after the devastating attack on Hamas in Gaza a new wave of reports castigating Israel for war crimes has emerged.
Now, Israel is fighting back with a report on the reports, picking on international NGOs such as Amnesty, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Trocaire , Finn Church Aid, Diakonia and (…)

, by

The Year of the Assassin

An American World of War: What to Watch for in 2010

According to the Chinese calendar, 2010 is the Year of the Tiger. We don’t name our years, but if we did, this one might prospectively be called the Year of the Assassin.
We, of course, think of ourselves as something like the peaceable kingdom. After all, the shock of September 11, 2001 was (…)

, by Frontline

Wave of support

Tsunami relief and rehabilitation

ON December 26, 2004, giant waves lashed coastal India and left behind a trail of death and destruction. It also left behind lessons in resilience for many. The tsunami anniversary kindles memories of loss and offers, for the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that helped the victims in their (…)

Serbia: Restitución de propiedades, un asunto pendiente

Por Vesna Peric Zimonjic

El conocido actor de teatro serbio Tanasije Uzunovic disfruta de largas caminatas por el parque de la fortaleza de Kalemegdan, pero suele evitar el barrio de Dedinje, una zona verde muy popular de la capital de Serbia.
"Caminar por Dedinje me trae amargos recueros", dijo Uzunovic a IPS. En ese (…)

, par LABERTIT Guy

La Côte d’Ivoire au bout du sentier de la paix

Cosi Lyon

La sixième réunion du Cadre permanent de concertation (CPC) qui s’est tenue à Ouagadougou, capitale du Burkina Faso, le 3 décembre, après avis de la Commission électorale indépendante (CEI) ivoirienne, a proposé la période fin février/début mars 2010 pour la tenue de l’élection présidentielle en (…)

, by MISHRA Pankaj, The Guardian

Kissinger’s fantasy is Obama’s reality

The road to stability runs through Kashmir. With its latest surge, America has taken a terrible diversion.
Meeting George Bush at the White House to discuss Afghanistan, the Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid once marvelled at how a "US president could live in such an unreal world, where the (…)

, por Inter Press Service (IPS)

Venezuela-Colombia: La frontera padece en medio de ilícitos

por Puente Simón Bolívar

"Somos ciudadanos de segunda, víctimas de una guerra que no estalla", dice José Duque, al volante del automóvil que lleva pasajeros desde San Cristóbal, en el sudoeste de Venezuela, hasta la línea fronteriza con la zona del nordeste colombiano junto a Cúcuta.
Por el camino, que serpentea (…)

, by Pambazuka

Africa’s children are important

‘I am an angry African,’ Assefa Bequele writes in this week’s Pambazuka News, challenging the continent’s failure to meet its collective responsibilities to children. ‘I will tell you why and what, I hope, we can do to build an Africa fit for children and help nurture an African man and woman (…)

, por HRW

Brasil: Combata a Violência Policial no Rio e em São Paulo

Policiais do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo recorrem à força letal de forma rotineira, frequentemente cometendo execuções extrajudiciais e exacerbando a violência nos dois estados, afirmou a Human Rights Watch em relatório lançado hoje.
O relatório de 134 páginas, "Força Letal: Violência (…)

, por Opera Mundi

Missão da ONU deve continuar no Haiti depois de 2010, diz coronel

por Kívia Costa

A Minustah (Missão das Nações Unidas para a Estabilização do Haiti), renovada no mês passado até o final de 2010, deve permanecer no país caribenho por mais um ano depois disso, segundo o oficial de comunicação social do exército brasileiro, coronel Gerson Pinheiro Gomes.
Para o porta-voz, a (…)

, por Comunicación e Información de la Mujer (CIMAC)

La cultura de paz requiere eliminar violencia de género: mujeres periodistas

Por Carolina Velázquez y Lucía Lagunes

“La paz no es ausencia de guerra, requiere de una cultura propia que tenemos que empeñarnos en construir. El abuso del poder, la injusticia y la desigualdad son la semilla de la violencia. Por ello, la cultura de paz requiere eliminar la violencia de género, que sabemos es estructural; aquella (…)