Tous les articles et traductions

, by Global Voices

USA: Mapping DREAM Act Online Youth Movements

Immigrant high school and university students in the United States have used the internet effectively in building activist networks to support the passing of a law called the DREAM act.
«I have been living in the U.S. for most of my life and now that i have graduated high school i can’t (…)

, by TNI

NeoConOpticon. The EU Security-Industrial Complex

Despite the often benign intent behind collaborative European ‘research’ into integrated land, air, maritime, space and cyber-surveillance systems, the EU’s security and R&D policy is coalescing around a high-tech blueprint for a new kind of security. It envisages a future world of red zones (…)

, by BELLO Walden

Form, not substance, hoped in G-20 Summit

Focus on the Global South

As the self appointed economic guardians of the world and thousands of protesters converge on Pittsburgh for the third summit of the Group of 20, expectations are low that a breakthrough in the form of some coordinated action to come to grips with the global economic crisis will issue from the (…)

, by Down to earth

Radioactive mirage

by Savvy Soumya Misra

Under the winter sky of January flamboyant French President Nicolas Sarkozy sat next to Indian President Pratibha Patil and watched the Republic Day parade last year. Eight months later India and France shook hands to sign an agreement on civil nuclear cooperation. Business followed diplomacy. (…)

, by Social Watch

Report 2009 - Making finances work: People first

The bankruptcy of the Lehman Brothers investment bank in September 2008 is seen by many as the tipping point in a series of collapses in the banking system that spread like prairie fire through the financial markets and stock exchanges of the richest economies of the world. Since then, the word (…)

, by Jubilee Debt Campaign

A nex debt crisis ?

Assessing the impact of the financial crisis on developing countries

Debt, often arising from irresponsible lending, has been part of the Global South’s experience for decades. Could the fallout from the most recent
bout of reckless lending in the North see these countries tipped into an even deeper debt crisis?
With traditional sources of finance drying up, (…)

, by BELLO Walden

Will China save the world from depression?

Foreign Policy in Focus

The world is looking at China to save it from depression, but China has built its export based economy on the backs of its rural population, which is too poor to absorb the industry’s output now that global demand has slumped.
Will China be the "growth pole" that will snatch the world from the (…)

, by LUSSON Julien, MASSIAH Gustave

Strategic issues of the global crisis

The international debate and the alter-globalist movement’s approach

The London G20 summit was as disappointing as expected. Several declarations were of course of interest insofar as they seem opposite to the policy principles of past years. Let us take note of them and not hesitate to remind the G20 about the promises on regulation. An initial question puts a (…)


The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order

US$24.95, Online: US$18.00, 400 pages

In this new and expanded edition of Chossudovsky’s international best-seller, the author outlines the contours of a New World Order which feeds on human poverty and the destruction of the environment, generates social apartheid, encourages racism and ethnic strife and undermines the rights of (…)

, by Centre de Recherche sur la Mondialisation (CRM)

The Deep Politics of Hollywood

by Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham

Tom Cruise – “the world’s most powerful celebrity” according to Forbes Magazine – was unceremoniously sacked in 2006. His dismissal was particularly shocking for the fact that it was carried out not by his immediate employer, Paramount Studios, but rather by Paramount’s parent company, Viacom. (…)

, by BARRY Tom

Texas-New Mexico Border Series

Americas Policy Program

Dee Torres sees history in the making in the West Texas borderlands. The elementary school teacher wants to be part of the history of the borderlands, and wants her grandchildren to remember these times.
Torres, a resident since a child of the border town of Ft. Hancock, is taking photos of (…)

, by Choike

Iraq: the war and occupation

On 1 May 2003, 20 days after Baghdad was taken in an offensive by the allied troops of the United States and Great Britain, with the support of the Spanish Government headed by José María Aznar, US President George W Bush proclaimed the “end to hostilities” in Iraqi territory. However, the truth (…)

, by Crises

World Social Forum: Resolution and a Plan of Action

The World Social Forum ended its ninth edition on February 1 in Belém with its "Assembly of assemblies" adopting dozens of resolutions and proposals to be the subjects of a programme of mobilisations around the world in 2009.
The 21 thematic assemblies thus broke the apparent WSF taboo on (…)

, by BLIN Arnaud, MARIN Gustavo

The UN and World Governance

FnWG, Forum for a new World Governance, January 2009, 31p.

Ever since it was established in the wake of World War II, the UN has asserted itself as one of the pillars of postwar world governance. It could even be said that at the institutional level, the United Nations constitutes the pillar of world governance: no other international organization comes (…)

What Amazonia Does the World Need?

Seminar organized by the Forum for a new World Governance and IBASE, Rio de Janeiro, May 2008

Although Amazonia is a concentrate of all possible dangers, not only to its inhabitants but also for the planet’s ecological balances, it also represents a territory for life and the future. The game is not over. In this dawning of the twenty-first century, it is poised to become one of those (…)

, by CHOMSKY Noam

The Financial Crisis of 2008

Interviewed by Simone Bruno

I would like to talk about the current crisis. How is it that so many people could see it coming, but the people in charge of governments and economies didn’t, or didn’t prepare?
The basis for the crisis is predictable and it was in fact predicted. It is built into financial liberalization (…)