Tous les articles et traductions

, by Soundings

The media and climate change

The entry of climate change into the media mainstream, as welcome as it is, nevertheless brings new problems. Journalists, campaigners and scientists discuss the implications of demand-led reporting, the exploitation of public misunderstanding, and the dangers of focusing on "charismatic (…)

, by Infochange

Chhattisgarh: Lost battle

The people of Chhattisgarh (India) appear to have lost the battle against industrialisation without rules. Even those who held out longest against the acquisition of their lands, forests and rivers are giving up the fight. Dilnaz Boga travels through the villages of Raigarh district, where (…)

, par Oxfam France

Conférence de Copenhage : tirer les leçons de l’échec

Si le sommet de Copenhague s’est achevé sur un échec politique, l’exceptionnelle mobilisation de centaines d’ONG, dont Oxfam France - Agir ici, et de millions de citoyens permet de garder espoir en vue d’un accord prochain. Beaucoup de temps a été perdu, mais des avancées sont envisageables en (…)

, by Pambazuka

African Views and Solidarity with Haiti

Under the title “Haiti: Microcosm of the crisis of development”, issue 467 of Pambazuka News, "the authoritative electronic weekly newsletter and platform for social justice in Africa", features several articles on the Haiti quake, its causes and the political lessons to be drawn from this (…)

, by The New Economics Foundation (nef)

Economic growth ’cannot continue’

Four years on from nef’s “Growth isn’t Working”, this new report goes one step further and tests that thesis in detail in the context of climate change and energy. It argues that indefinite global economic growth is unsustainable. Just as the laws of thermodynamics constrain the maximum (…)

, by Panos London

Climate change policy needs indigenous knowledge

Researchers have published a compendium of more than 400 case studies which reveal how indigenous people have been affected by and are adapting to climate change. The report recommends that Western scientists draw on the knowledge and experience of indigenous people when creating climate change (…)

, por ALAI

CO2: El nuevo tráfico de indulgencias

El elemento esencial de las indulgencias es la cesión a favor de una persona de los méritos realizados por otros. La doctrina básica era que la oración y las buenas obras tienen un valor acumulable que constituye el “Tesoro de la Iglesia”, una cuenta en el otro mundo. El depósito inicial serían (…)

, por Rebelión

Haití, primera ocupación militar del poder "inteligente”

por Ángel Guerra Cabrera

Estados Unidos se ha aprovechado de la más reciente tragedia haitiana para implantarse militarmente en el país caribeño por largo tiempo. Así se veía venir desde que Washington anunció el envío de una magnitud de medios bélicos a la sufrida nación más propios de una invasión armada que de una (…)

, by Pambazuka

South Africa: From rights to commons

While the achievement of universal ontological rights in South Africa has been a marvellous step forward, writes Jason Hickel, the paradigm of a rights-based revolution is seriously and fundamentally flawed, and cannot serve the ends that South Africa intends it to. Cautioning that the state can (…)

, by ETC Group

Retooling the Planet: New ETC Group Report on Geoengineering

This critical overview of geoengineering technologies examines the history, politics and social and ecological implications of attempts to add large-scale, intentional manipulation of the planet to the menu of possible responses to climate change. The report contests the notion that more (…)

, por Inter Press Service (IPS)

Energía-Portugal: Avance arrollador de fuentes renovables

Por Mario de Queiroz

Hace sólo una década, llovían las críticas sobre el soleado y ventoso Portugal por ignorar las condiciones favorables que le ofrecía la naturaleza para la explotación de energías renovables. Ahora todo indica que alguien escuchó y este país pasó a ser un ejemplo en la materia.
En la (…)

, por GALEANO Eduardo

Os pecados do Haiti

Agência Carta Maior

A história do assédio contra o Haiti, que nos nossos dias tem dimensões de tragédia, é também uma história do racismo na civilização ocidental. Em 1803 os negros do Haiti deram uma tremenda sova nas tropas de Napoleão Bonaparte e a Europa jamais perdoou esta humilhação infligida à raça branca. O (…)

, par Oxfam France

Conférence de Copenhage : tirer les leçons de l’échec

Si le sommet de Copenhague s’est achevé sur un échec politique, l’exceptionnelle mobilisation de centaines d’ONG, dont Oxfam France - Agir ici, et de millions de citoyens permet de garder espoir en vue d’un accord prochain. Beaucoup de temps a été perdu, mais des avancées sont envisageables en (…)

Lessons from Copenhagen: A Selection

The blame game Martin Khor, Blame Denmark, not China, for Copenhagen failure, The Guardian: The decision to override the multilateral process and hold a secret meeting of select nations ruined any chance of success Mark Lynas (British, adviser to the Maldives delegation), How do I know China (…)

, by Down to earth , NARAIN Sunita

Not learning from Bhopal

It is 25 years of the Bhopal gas disaster—the night when chemicals spewed out of the Union Carbide factory to kill and maim thousands over generations. The question is if we have learnt from the disaster—learnt how to handle chemical accidents; to dispose of industrial toxic waste; to manage (…)

, par Basta !

Catastrophe de Bhopal : 25 ans d’impunité

Par Agnès Rousseaux

La catastrophe de Bhopal, en Inde, c’était en décembre 1984 : plusieurs milliers de morts, un demi million de personnes empoisonnées par une fuite de produits toxiques dans une usine de pesticides. Le PDG de l’entreprise court toujours, après un quart de siècle de procédures, de compromissions (…)