Tous les articles et traductions

Analyse collective du projet de loi « Besson » du 30 mars 2010 « relatif à l’immigration, à l’intégration et à la nationalité »

ADDE, Acat France, Anafé, CFDA, Cimade, Fasti, Gisti, InfoMIE, Migreurop, MOM, Association Primo Levi, SAF, Syndicat de la magistrature

2003, 2006, 2007 et maintenant 2010... Le train des réformes législatives en matière de droit des étrangers fonctionne à plein régime : quatrième texte en 7 ans à venir modifier la condition des étrangers en France, le projet de loi marque un nouveau tournant dans la politique (…)

, por InfoSud

República Centro-Africana: subvenções contra eleições

Original em francês. Traduzido por Luiz Guilherme da Silva.
21 de maio de 2010 – Obrigado a adiar mais uma vez as eleições presidenciais e legislativas, o chefe de Estado da República Centro-Africana, François Bozizé, teme as possíveis sanções dos doadores internacionais, caso estes (…)

“Candidato tem que se conectar com os movimentos sociais”

O raper MV Bill diz que não faz campanha para ninguém, mas aposta em continuidade
Alex Pereira Barbosa, 35 anos, filho do bombeiro hidráulico Mano Juca e da dona de casa Cristina, nasceu na comunidade da Cidade de Deus, zona oeste carioca, onde mora até hoje. Este é MV Bill, um dos rapers mais (…)

, by Frontline

Sri Lanka: A year after

The political topography of Sri Lanka has changed beyond recognition since the military defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the death of its leader, Velupillai Prabakaran, in May last year. Contrary to the apprehensions in several quarters, there are no apparent signs of a (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Pakistan, a nation?

Right from the time of Independence, Pakistan has been troubled. The country’s psyche has been scarred since it emerged from the turmoil and bloodletting of Partition. Further trauma was in store when, in 1971, the eastern wing broke away, calling into question the very basis – ostensibly, (…)

, par Revista Pueblos

Coup d’État et résistance populaire en Honduras

Renán Godofredo Valdez Salgado

Ce texte, publié originellement en espagnol par Pueblos, a été traduit par Marine Gandit, trductrice bénévole pour rinoceros.
Le coup d’État politico-militaire et religieux du 28 juin 2009 au Honduras, le pays le plus pauvre d’Amérique latine après Haïti et le Nicaragua, a été rejeté par (…)

, par FOUCHER Marilza de Melo

Pour une autre conception du développement

Ce texte, publié originellement en portugais par Le Monde Diplomatique Brésil, a été traduit par Isabel Moreira da Silva, traductrice bénévole pour rinoceros.
« Le développement territorial intégré et durable exige une démocratie participative » affirme l’auteur. Pour elle, une année (…)

, by Foreign Policy in Focus

Zimbabwe: Sanctions and Solidarity

Zimbabwe is currently the subject of sanctions designed to pressure Robert Mugabe and his colleagues to cease human rights abuses and remove other barriers to democratization in the country. Yet despite some recent positive developments — such as the appointment of independent commissions on (…)

, by OpenDemocracy

A world on the margin

The diverse social insurgencies in such countries as Thailand, Greece, India and China can also be seen in a common frame, as responses to a global process that produces extreme inequality and exclusion. Read more

, by Foreign Policy in Focus , BELLO Walden

The Battle for Thailand

Nearly a week after the event, Thailand is still stunned by the military assault on the Red Shirt encampment in the tourist center of the capital city of Bangkok on May 19. The Thai government is treating captured Red Shirt leaders and militants like they’re from an occupied country. No doubt (…)

, par SACSIS , PITHOUSE Richard

Afrique du Sud : la liberté attendra

Ce texte, publié originellement en anglais par SACSIS, a été traduit par Manuela Geneix, traductrice bénévole pour rinoceros.
Une liberté réservée aux partisans du gouvernement, réservée aux membres du parti – aussi nombreux soient-ils – ce n’est pas ça la liberté. – Rosa Luxembourg, (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Casteing about

Over the centuries, the poison of caste has been variously sung about, lamented, protested, outlawed and adjudicated in this region. During that time, the economic and cultural foundations of – and, most of all, the religious sanction for – this abhorrent practice have all been sculpted to (…)

, por Inter Press Service (IPS)

Presidencia de Colombia se define en junio

Las encuestas sobre las elecciones del domingo 30 en Colombia acertaron en que habría segunda vuelta el 20 de junio, pues ningún candidato logró 50 por ciento más uno de los votos, pero mostraban una diferencia entre los favoritos mucho menor que la de las urnas. ¿Qué pasó?
El candidato (…)

, by TNI , BELLO Walden

Is Corruption the Cause? The Poverty Trap

The “corruption-causes-poverty” narrative has become a standard tool in the hegemonic discourse kit for leaders in some developing countries - where in fact, Waldon Bello argues, it is neoliberal economic policies that are really to blame for poverty. Thailand’s “Red Shirts” are not, however, (…)

, by IPS

New Software Could Outwit Tehran’s Censors

While the Iranian government has intensified its aggressive efforts to expand Internet filters, Austin Heap, a young programmer in the U.S., says he has developed software that would enable Iranians to evade their censors. Read more