Tous les articles et traductions

Los mercados asaltan la educación


, por ALI Tariq

En abril de 2010, la Universidad de Middlesex decidía cerrar su departamento de Filosofía, la materia que registra más investigación en la UM. Desde entonces, los estudiantes y el personal de esta Universidad, y miles de amigos del Reino Unido y de todo el mundo luchan por mantener el (…)

“Candidato tem que se conectar com os movimentos sociais”

O raper MV Bill diz que não faz campanha para ninguém, mas aposta em continuidade
Alex Pereira Barbosa, 35 anos, filho do bombeiro hidráulico Mano Juca e da dona de casa Cristina, nasceu na comunidade da Cidade de Deus, zona oeste carioca, onde mora até hoje. Este é MV Bill, um dos rapers mais (…)

Pakistan, a nation?

, by Himal Southasian

Right from the time of Independence, Pakistan has been troubled. The country’s psyche has been scarred since it emerged from the turmoil and bloodletting of Partition. Further trauma was in store when, in 1971, the eastern wing broke away, calling into question the very basis – ostensibly, (…)

A world on the margin

, by OpenDemocracy

The diverse social insurgencies in such countries as Thailand, Greece, India and China can also be seen in a common frame, as responses to a global process that produces extreme inequality and exclusion. Read more

Casteing about

, by Himal Southasian

Over the centuries, the poison of caste has been variously sung about, lamented, protested, outlawed and adjudicated in this region. During that time, the economic and cultural foundations of – and, most of all, the religious sanction for – this abhorrent practice have all been sculpted to (…)


TNI, Marzo 2010

, por LLISTAR David

¿Qué sentido tiene el actual sistema de ayuda internacional frente a instrumentos transnacionales mucho más potentes que generan pobreza, destruyen ecosistemas o permiten la violación de los Derechos Humanos? ¿Cómo explicar que tras 60 años de cooperación internacional al desarrollo, el mundo de (…)

Is Corruption the Cause? The Poverty Trap

, by TNI , BELLO Walden

The “corruption-causes-poverty” narrative has become a standard tool in the hegemonic discourse kit for leaders in some developing countries - where in fact, Waldon Bello argues, it is neoliberal economic policies that are really to blame for poverty. Thailand’s “Red Shirts” are not, however, (…)

Southern Africa: The liberation struggle continues

, by Pambazuka

Fifty years on from the beginnings of liberation in Africa, John S. Saul finds there is still much work to be done, especially in southern Africa where the final triumph over colonial and racial domination occurred. In each of the five sites of the overt struggle against domination – Angola, (…)

ONU denuncia grave vulneración de derechos indígenas en todo el mundo

Exclusión, racismo, vulneración de derechos, violencia y criminalización marcan las condiciones de vida de los pueblos indígenas en todo el planeta, de acuerdo con el Informe presentado por la Organización de Naciones Unidas, el mismo que fue elaborado por siete expertos independientes y (…)

Mulheres protestam contra sua criminalização

, por Ciranda Brasil

“Nenhuma mulher faz aborto porque gosta. Um aborto acontece porque, naquele momento da vida, é a única saída frente a uma gravidez indesejada.” Este é o primeiro parágrafo do folheto distribuido pela Frente em São Paulo, em manifestação realizada na Praça João Mendes, próxima ao Fórum e vários (…)

Women’s reservation Bill – the 2010 story

, by India together

On 9th March 2010, the upper house of the Indian Parliament, the Rajya Sabha, passed the bill on the reservation of 33 percent seats in the Lok Sabha, for India’s women representatives. Opposition to reservations for women in Parliament have centred on at least four points. Step by step (…)

Politics: In need of revival

, by India together

The decline of politics and of intellectual discourse is related to the struggle between politics and economics as the arbiter of the moral commons and the role of the developmental state in this fight, writes Rajesh Kasturirangan. ead more

Peru: Oil pipeline and uncontacted tribes

By Milagros Salazar

, by IPS

A 200-km oil pipeline that Franco-British oil group Perenco aims to build in the heart of Peru’s Amazon jungle region is at the centre of a controversy because of the reported existence of uncontacted native groups in the area.
In early 2008, Perenco acquired the exploration and production (…)

Multiplicadores do conhecimento

, por Rede povos da floresta

Durante dez dias do mês de abril, na aldeia Apoena Meireles, em Rondolândia, no Estado do Mato Grosso, aconteceu a Formação em Audiovisual, que é ministrada pelo Projeto Vídeo nas Aldeias, em parceria com a Rede Povos da Floresta (RPF), e faz parte do projeto de implantação dos trinta Pontos de (…)

Tension autour des droits des femmes dans le nouveau Code de la famille

Soumaila T. Diarra

, par IPS

La tension est subitement montée au Mali avec ce nouveau Code de la famille et des personnes. Cette loi controversée, censée donner plus de libertés et de droits aux femmes, est revenue pour une seconde lecture à l’Assemblée nationale après les contestations des musulmans radicaux. Lire