Tous les articles et traductions


The turn of the Fascist

By Jane Duncan

Jacob Zuma’s rise to power has unleashed a torrent of rash, boorish, misogynistic and inciteful speech from politicians and commentators. In this regard, the utterances of ANC Youth League’s Julius Malema and ex-columnist Eric Miyeni come to mind. Why has public discourse plumbed to such depths (…)

, por Inter Press Service (IPS)

Entre el desarrollo local o el desastre social

Por Mario Osava

El biocombustible es la única fuente de energía alternativa que promueve el desarrollo local, al generar empleo, conocimiento y tecnología, pero también puede causar daños sociales. Es el temor ante la explotación a escala industrial del babasú, una palmera abundante en el centro y norte de (…)

Cambiar las gafas para mirar el mundo

Una nueva cultura de la sostenibilidad

Por Fernando Cembranos, Yayo Herrero, Marta Pascual, Antonio Hernández, Charo Morán, Nerea Ramírez, Álvaro Martínez de la Vega, Beatriz Errea, José Carlos Puentes, María González, Águeda Férriz, María Gª Teruel, Editorial Libros en Acción, 342 pp, 16€
Un nuevo título de Libros en Acción (…)

, by Truthout

$35 billion of oil plus an "uncontacted" tribe equals coverup

By David Hill

What do you do if you want to build a pipeline to move 300 million barrels of oil but an "uncontacted" tribe is in the way? Employing consultants who claim they don’t exist certainly helps.
On July 22, Peru’s Energy Ministry gave the green light to Anglo-French company Perenco to build a (…)

, por Noticias Aliadas

Mujeres indígenas participan en carrera electoral

Por Louisa Reynolds

Aún así, activistas indígenas señalan que mayoría de partidos no toman en cuenta la inclusión.
Dos mujeres indígenas están buscando hacer historia al postular a los dos principales cargos en política: Rigoberta Menchú, Premio Nobel de la Paz, es candidata presidencial por la coalición (…)

, par Médiapart

Attentats en Norvège : quand écologie et anticolonialisme se rejoignent

Par Frédéric Farid Sarkis

Nous tenons à affirmer notre solidarité au peuple norvégien et nos pensées vont aux familles des victimes des deux monstrueux attentats qui ont eu lieu en Norvège. Que ces actes soient le fait d’un individu isolé ou d’un groupe organisé ne change rien au fait que cet attentats terroristes (…)

, by IIED

When we care for it...preserving cultural and spiritual values of forests

Everywhere in the world people care for and try to preserve the things they value.
What is considered valuable is relative to the socio-cultural context, and often things that are of great significance and deeply precious for some individuals and groups are not for others. There are things and (…)

, by The Hindu

Anders Breivik & Europe’s blind right eye

By Praveen Swami

There are important lessons for India in the murderous violence in Norway: lessons it can ignore only at risk to its own survival.
In 2008, Hindutva leader B.L. Sharma ‘Prem’ held a secret meeting with key members of a terrorist group responsible for a nationwide bombing campaign targeting (…)

, par Pambazuka

L’internationale de l’obscurantisme

Par Samir Amin

Le monde connaît un regain de spiritualité qui fait de la religion un déterminant important de l’histoire. Mais quelle que puisse être sa force, la croyance religieuse n’a pas annihilé ce que Samir Amin appelle « la compétition sauvage et immorale », surtout que le « moneytheism et le (…)

Droits de l’homme et dialogue interculturel

Par Christoph Eberhard, Edition Connaissances et savoirs, 590 pages, 28€
Prétendant à L’universalité, Les droits de L’homme conçus par L’Occident n’en demeurent pas moins Les fruits d’une époque, d’une culture, d’une société, indissociables aussi de l’émergence d’une nouvelle conception de (…)

, por ADITAL

Carta de repúdio do povo Xavante

Carta de repúdio do povo Xavante contra o governo do Estado do Mato Grosso e os deputados da Lei 9.564
O Povo Xavante da Terra Indígena Marãiwatsédé repudia a decisão do Governo do Mato Grosso que, junto com os deputados estaduais, promoveu uma verdadeira obra antiindígena, ilegal, (…)

, par Multitudes

Multitudes 45, n°SPÉCIAL, été 2011

Fukushima ou la découverte du cygne noir
Fukushima servira pour longtemps d’emblème de l’« accident » dans un monde complexe. Le syndrome de Three Mile Island (fusion partielle du réacteur), l’explosion brutale du coeur du réacteur de Tchernobyl étaient tous deux des accidents purement (…)

, by The Hindu

Rise of the Russian Orthodox Church

By Vladimir Radyuhin

Notwithstanding the indifference of most Russians, the Orthodox Church, with active support from the state, has effectively established itself as state religion.
After the collapse of the atheist Soviet Union, state persecution of religion came to an end in Russia. The new law on (…)

Framing Muslims. Stereotyping and representation after 9/11

Peter MOREY, Amina YAQIN, Harvard Univesity Press, 256 pp, June 2011, £20.95

Can Muslims ever fully be citizens of the West? Can the values of Islam ever be brought into accord with the individual freedoms central to the civic identity of Western nations? Not if you believe what you see on TV. Whether the bearded fanatic, the veiled, oppressed female, or the shadowy (…)

, by CHOMSKY Noam

New World of Indigenous Resistance

Noam Chomsky and Voices from North, South, and Central America

Indigenous societies today face difficult choices: can they develop, modernize, and advance without endangering their sacred traditions and communal identity? Specifically, can their communities benefit from national education while resisting the tendency of state-imposed programs to undermine (…)

, by Frontline

‘Finally, the truth is getting out’

Interview with Teesta Setalvad of Citizens for Justice and Peace, which is fighting for justice for the victims of the 2002 riots.
TEESTA SETALVAD is the co-editor of Communalism Combat and has been in the forefront of the fight against communal forces and in defence of human rights. Through (…)