Tous les articles et traductions

, par WARSCHAWSKI Michel

La visite du patron

Association France Palestine Solidarité

Le 9 janvier, George W. Bush a entamé une visite de quatre jours en Israël, ce qui est énorme pour un président d’une grande puissance censée gérer la planète tout entière. Puis, il s’en est allé vers les pays du Golfe arabo-persique, entre autres pour souhaiter la bonne année à ses troupes. La (…)

, par Viva Favela

Comment la presse brésilienne parle-t-elle de la violence ?

Par Jean-Jacques Fontaine

L’encre de “Medias et violence, nouvelles tendances dans la couverture de la criminalité au Brésil” est encore fraîche que déjà l’ouvrage suscite de grandes discussions. Il s’agit d’une enquête sur la presse brésilienne, menée par 2 chercheurs du Centre d’Etudes sur la Sécurité et la (…)

, by Focus on the global south

Unconventional Warfare: Are US Special Forces Engaged in an ‘Offensive War’ in the Philippines?

Focus on the Philippines Special Reports, No. 1, January 2006

Since January 2002, US Special Operations Forces (SOFs) have been stationed in the southern Philippines and have not left since then. Their deployment has significant implications for issues of peace and security in the southern Philippines, on democracy in the country and its sovereignty, on (…)

, by Focus on the global south

Unconventional warfare : are US special forces engaged in an "offensive war" in the Philippines ?

"Focus on the Philippines Special Reports", n° 1, January 2007

Since January 2002, US Special Operations Forces (SOFs) have been stationed in the southern Philippines and have not left since then. Their deployment has significant implications for issues of peace and security in the southern Philippines, on democracy in the country and its sovereignty, on (…)

, by Focus on the global south

Lebanon : aggression and resistance

Final Report of the International Civil Society and Parliamentary Peace Mission to Lebanon

At the height of the Israeli bombardment of Lebanon, a call came from civil society groups in that country asking the international community to send peace delegations to bear witness to the ongoing destruction of a nation and demonstrate solidarity with the Lebanese people in their hour of (…)

, by ZIEGLER Jean

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food

United Nations, PDF, 18 pages

The Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Jean Ziegler, submitted to the Human Rights Council a report on his mission to Lebanon, which took place from 11 to 16 September 2006. The mission was undertaken at the invitation of the Government of Lebanon.
Read the report

, par BELLO Walden

La montée en puissance du complexe « Aide et Reconstruction »

CADTM, Juin 2006

Les catastrophes naturelles et sociales telles que les guerres ont eu pour conséquences communes des dégâts infrastructurels massifs et de grandes dislocations sociales. Jusqu’à ces dernières années, les buts de l’aide et de la reconstruction étaient assez simples : aide matérielle immédiate (…)

, by BELLO Walden

The rise of the relief and reconstruction complex

50 Years is Enough, This article first apeared in the Journal of International Affairs, Spring/Summer 2006, vol. 59, no. 2.

Massive infrastructure damage and great social dislocation have been common consequences of natural disasters and social disasters like wars. Up until a few years ago, the aims of relief and reconstruction efforts were fairly simple: immediate physical relief of victims, reduction of social (…)