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, by IPS

Group Says Botswana Bushmen Evicted over Diamonds

Peter Boaz

The Kalahari Bushmen, who have lived in Southern Africa for more than 20,000 years, are now being starved off their land to make way for lucrative diamond extraction, says Survival International.
In past years, the Bushmen have relied on water from a borehole in one of the Kalahari (…)

, par NARAIN Sunita

Sommes-nous prêts pour le changement climatique ?

Lors d’un séjour rapide au Pakistan cette semaine, j’ai noté que les récentes inondations avaient laissé une impression profonde chez les hommes politiques du pays. Ils ont évoqué l’étendue des destructions et des souffrances humaines et le défi énorme de la réhabilitation. Point intéressant, (…)

Anticipated Indirect Land Use Change Associated with Expanded Use of Biofuels and Bioliquids in the EU – An Analysis of the National Renewable Energy Action Plans

IEEP, November 2010

“A new IEEP report analyses the indirect land use change (ILUC) impact of the substantial additional biofuel usage that will be generated up to 2020 by the targets under the EU renewable energy Directive. Plans from national governments setting out how they will reach these targets, which are (…)

A palmeira dendém em Angola

Em Angola, as palmeiras são uma vegetação característica do norte e dos planaltos de Benguela (1). Angola é o país mais a sul da África onde se desenvolve naturalmente o dendezeiro (2) (chamado palmeira dendém nesse país). Essa é a razão que explica que em maio de 2010, a Indonésia e a Malásia (…)

, by NARAIN Sunita

How climate ready are we?

On a brief visit to Pakistan this week I noted that the recent floods have left deep impressions on the country’s policy and political leadership. They spoke about the scale of devastation, human suffering and the massive challenge of rehabilitation. They also noted, interestingly, that in their (…)

Modelo neocolonial: acaparamiento de tierra, monocultivos y exclusión social

Grupo de Reflexión Rural, Ginebra 4-11-2010

Jorge E. Rulli, uno de los miembros fundadores del GRR de la Argentina, participa en Ginebra de una conferencia sobre acaparamiento de tierras, presentando el documento “MODELO NEOCOLONIAL: ACAPARAMIENTO DE TIERRA, MONOCULTIVOS Y EXCLUSIÓN SOCIAL” en el cual se denuncia como vastas superficies (…)

, por WRM

Los monocultivos avanzan

> Cetri

La característica principal de los monocultivos es que no solamente desplazan las alternativas sino que las destruyen. No toleran otros sistemas ni son capaces de reproducirse a sí mismos de manera sustentable, escribía Vandana Shiva en su clásico ensayo de 1993 “Monocultivos de la mente”.
Los (…)


Wal-Mart: Predator Capitalism and the Great Game

By Glenn Ashton

At the end of September the rumours were put to bed as Wal-Mart made a formal but conditional offer for Massmart, of R32 billion. To put this in perspective this amount is less than 20% of Wal-Mart’s present annual operating income of $24 billion and a fraction of their $408 billion (R2.8 (…)

, por ZIBECHI Raúl

Pan para hoy, incertidumbre mañana


La explotación y exportación de recursos primarios o bienes comunes, está permitiendo a los gobiernos de la región atravesar la crisis global sin grandes cataclismos internos, a lo que pueden sumar extensas políticas sociales. Queda en el tintero un amplio debate sobre el modelo extractivo y sus (…)

, par AlterEchos

Asuncion le bien vivre pour parer a la crise

Maxime Combes

Du 11 au 15 août 2010, Asunción (Paraguay) a accueilli le 4ème Forum Social des Amériques, après Quito (Equateur) en 2004, Caracas (Venezuela) en 2006 et le Guatemala en 2008. A la marche d’ouverture bariolée et énergique, ont succédé plus de 500 ateliers, débats et activités culturelles (…)

, by Infochange

World fails to meet 2010 biodiversity target

Nearly a quarter of endangered plant species are threatened with extinction, natural habitats continue to vanish, and waterbodies to be degraded. The world has failed to meet its target of a significant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010, says the third ‘Global Biodiversity (…)