Tous les articles et traductions

, by International Crisis Group

Reforming Pakistan’s Civil Service

If Pakistan’s deteriorating civil service is not urgently repaired, public disillusionment and resentment could be used by the military to justify another spell of authoritarian rule.
Reforming Pakistan’s Civil Service, the latest report from the International Crisis Group, analyses the (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Bargaining in a labour regime

Up-country Tamil plantation workers in Sri Lanka remain a subjugated community, treated as little more than bonded labour. The current political foment includes opportunities for change. Read more

, by Himal Southasian

Waiting for the Jaffna train

Even as the people of Jaffna – and those who were displaced – make use of their new freedoms of movement, they are confronted with the effect of decades of political stagnation. Read more

, by Himal Southasian

A casualty of nationalism

Sri Lanka’s formerly effective school system has been damaged by over-politicisation. In Lanka, there has been a loss in terms of offering a values-based education, which in decades gone by promoted tolerance, free debate and rational discussion, a sine qua non for a healthy society. A first (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Good on paper

With the government incapable of designing Nepal’s school education, bilateral and multilateral donors are forced to step in. As a result, Nepali education has for decades lurched from one internationally assisted mega-project to another. Read more

, by Tehelka

Microfin In Macro Mess?

WHAT began as a service aimed at empowering marginalised people like Kamlesh from East Delhi is being increasingly eyed by the corporates. If this happens, the entire microfinance (MF) concept could be turned on its head. Read more

, by Infochange

Chhattisgarh: Lost battle

The people of Chhattisgarh (India) appear to have lost the battle against industrialisation without rules. Even those who held out longest against the acquisition of their lands, forests and rivers are giving up the fight. Dilnaz Boga travels through the villages of Raigarh district, where (…)

’To Resist is to Survive’ - worker-run cooperatives in Argentina

Nearly 10 years after Argentina’s economic collapse sparked a movement, worker-run cooperatives endure another crisis. Report from Argentina on the state of the workers’ co-op movement there, which sprouted in the aftermath of the country’s 2001 economic collapse. Divisions within the movement, (…)

, by HAYES Christopher, The Nation

America’s System Failure

As welcome as it was, the removal of George W. Bush was not enough to cure what ails the US. It goes to the root of our political system. Only real democracy can save this country. Read more

, by IPS

Brazil – Another Power Is Possible

The birthplace of the World Social Forum (WSF), conceived as an alternative to international meetings pursuing free-market economics, Brazil is on its way to becoming a major economic power, analysts say. The question is, what kind of model will it adopt to avoid the behaviour it has previously (…)

, by IIED

Towards food sovereignty: Reclaiming autonomous food systems

‘Towards Food Sovereignty’ is an online book with full color photo illustrations and linked video and audio files. It describes the ecological basis of food and agriculture, the social and environmental costs of modern food systems, and the policy reversals needed to democratize food systems. (…)

, by Democracy Now!

Tribute to Howard Zinn

On Democracy Now!, a tribute to the late historian, writer and activist Howard Zinn, who died suddenly on Wednesday of a heart attack at the age of eighty-seven. Howard Zinn’s classic work A People’s History of the United States changed the way we look at history in America. It has sold over a (…)

, by Pambazuka

African Views and Solidarity with Haiti

Under the title “Haiti: Microcosm of the crisis of development”, issue 467 of Pambazuka News, "the authoritative electronic weekly newsletter and platform for social justice in Africa", features several articles on the Haiti quake, its causes and the political lessons to be drawn from this (…)

, by The New Economics Foundation (nef)

Economic growth ’cannot continue’

Four years on from nef’s “Growth isn’t Working”, this new report goes one step further and tests that thesis in detail in the context of climate change and energy. It argues that indefinite global economic growth is unsustainable. Just as the laws of thermodynamics constrain the maximum (…)

, by ELDIS

How can African governments regain control of the aid process?

In the last three decades, changes in the global economy have led to debt and balance of payments crises in many African countries. They desperately needed foreign exchange which they could only get from the World Bank and the IMF. These institutions used this opportunity to expand their (…)

, by Panos London

Climate change policy needs indigenous knowledge

Researchers have published a compendium of more than 400 case studies which reveal how indigenous people have been affected by and are adapting to climate change. The report recommends that Western scientists draw on the knowledge and experience of indigenous people when creating climate change (…)

, by The Hindu

Farm suicides: a 12-year saga

In 2006-08, Maharashtra (India) saw 12, 493 farm suicides. That is 85 per cent higher than the 6,745 suicides it recorded during 1997-1999. And the worst three-year period for any State, any time. The dismal truth is that very high numbers of farm suicides still occur within a fast decreasing (…)