Tous les articles et traductions

, by Our Water Commons

Water Solutions

As we seek to better understand what circumstances local alternatives for democratic, equitable and sustainable control of water Commons are working best, water justice activists in the North and South continue to rediscover the wealth of alternatives in the indigenous societies that so-called (…)

, par Other News

Rio+20 souffre d’un manque de leadership à quelques semaines du Sommet

Par Thalif Deen

Ce texte a initialement été publié en anglais sur Other News, et il a été traduit par Justine Visconti, stagiaire pour rinoceros.
NATIONS UNIES, 27 mars 2012 (International Press Service) - Lors du coup d’envoi à la mi-juin au Brésil, de la conférence événement des Nations Unies sur le (…)

, por FREIRE Rita

Redes sociais sem censura e com privacidade

Um diálogo entre as redes que não obedecem a nenhuma agenda corporativa, onde internautas são livres para se comunicar e desenvolvedores são livres para utilizar, adaptar e aperfeiçoar códigos e conteúdos. Entrevista com Pedro Noel, da Rede Global Square, rumo ao Fórum Mundial de Mídia Livre. (…)

, por Carta Maior

"A força pode esconder a verdade, mas o tempo traz a luz"

Por Najla Passos

Com aplausos e entoando estrofes do hino nacional, políticos, militantes dos direitos humanos, vítimas da ditadura e familiares dos mortos e desaparecidos do regime saudaram a instalação da Comissão Verdade, em cerimônia realizada no Palácio do Planalto. Foram poucos os que conseguiram não se (…)

, por ADITAL

Anistia Internacional e o compromisso do Brasil com os direitos humanos

Por Raika Julie Moisés

"O Brasil tem sido sumamente criticado na ONU devido às contínuas práticas de tortura e cruel uso de condições degradantes dentro do sistema das prisões", afirma Atila Roque, diretor executivo da Anistia Internacional no Brasil.
As Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora, os megaeventos e o impacto (…)

, by Pambazuka

Egypt’s working class and the question of organisation

By Hossam El-Hamalawy

The nascent trade union movement in Egypt will need to develop political structures for the voices of the working class to be heard in electoral processes.
‘Who is the labour candidate in this presidential election?’ This is a question I have been asked frequently in the past few days. My (…)

, by CIP Americas Program

50% of the 99%

By Laura Carlsen

This isn’t a math quiz. To put the question in non-numerical terms: where are women in the global economic crisis?
The movement of the 99 percent that began in the United States made visible the human beings who suffer the brutal inequality and injustice of an economic system that, in crisis, (…)

, par Ligue des Droits de l’Homme (LDH)

Front national, l’imposture sociale

La « dédiabolisation » engagée par Marine Le Pen s’accompagne d’une défense des « petits », des « obscurs » et d’un monde du travail respirant bon l’effort, la virilité et la sueur. Un pseudo social et une authentique imposture.
Il ne faut s’attacher que légèrement aux programmes du FN, tant (…)

, by LINKS

Quebec: Huge protest backs students

By Roger Annis

Quebec’s student movement, and the swelling ranks of its popular allies, staged a huge rally and march in Montreal on May 22. The march supported the students’ fight for free, quality public education and rejected government repression. Estimates by some mainstream news outlets and by many (…)

, por BRUCE Jorge

Actos de sujeción

Aunque pareciera una paradoja, no lo es: mientras el crecimiento económico peruano se mantiene, nuestra sociedad da crecientes muestras de involución en otros aspectos. Por ejemplo, la reciente condena inquisitorial contra Gastón Garatea no debería sorprender a nadie, pues el cardenal Cipriani (…)

, por Inter Press Service (IPS)

El pacto que no cambiará nada

Por Gareth Porter

Los acuerdos firmados entre Washington y Kabul se presentan como el medio para que el pueblo de Afganistán se haga cargo de su propio destino y Estados Unidos ponga fin a la guerra que inició contra ese país hace casi 11 años. Pero una lectura más minuciosa sugiere lo contrario.
Los dos (…)

, par Pambazuka

Mali : Aux côtés des populations

Par Paul Martial

Le coup d’État du capitaine Sanogo, qui a destitué le président malien, Amadou Toumani Touré (ATT), a mis en lumière le profond malaise que vit le Mali et qui s’inscrit dans la crise plus générale que connaît l’Afrique de l’Ouest, comme en témoignent les mutineries et les importantes (…)

Travail forcé des enfants en Ouzbékistan

Le contenu de la présente publication n’engage que les auteurs et n’exprime pas nécessairement le point de vue des organismes mentionnés. Les auteurs ont tenu à conserver l’anonymat, condition nécessaire à la poursuite de leurs activités.
Les enfants ouzbeks travaillent dans les champs de (…)

, by Seminar Magazine

Vaccination: Need for caution

By Indira Chakravarthi

FOR almost a century now vaccination has been promoted by governments across the world as an indispensable public health measure to reduce incidence and associated mortality and morbidity from infectious diseases. In fact, use of vaccines and ability to control infectious diseases are looked (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Dhaka: Clearing Korail

By Saad Hammadi

Dhaka’s latest slum demolition shows the full scale of the Bangladeshi government’s callousness and ineptitude.
The summer heat is scorching but it does not impede the regular bustle of Korail, one of the largest slums of Dhaka, a city where an estimated quarter of the 16 million inhabitants (…)

, by Frontline

Patent to plunder

By Amit Sengupta

India’s efforts to produce and supply life-saving drugs at affordable prices face challenges from multinational companies trying to “evergreen” their patents.
THE average life expectancy across the globe has increased from around 30 years a century ago to over 65 years today. This has been (…)

, by Upside Down World

Ecuador: Plurinational March for Life, Water, and Dignity

By Marc Becker

Thousands of Indigenous protestors carrying a giant rainbow flag arrived in Ecuador’s capital of Quito on March 22 (World Water Day) after a two-week Plurinational March for Life, Water, and Dignity of the Peoples. The march was in opposition to government plans to commence with large-scale (…)