Tous les articles et traductions

, by Frontline

Land Grab Projects?


An independent study says some 250 thermal power projects that have got clearances may be meant just to grab land and water resources.
THERE have been a growing number of headlines that speak of an energy crisis and the energy deficit in India in the last few years. The disparities in the (…)

, by Infochange

Resistance to Dam Project Grows in South Gujarat

By Priyanka Borpujari

People from 16 villages on the Gujarat-Maharashtra border have been demonstrating their resistance to the Par-Tapi-Narmada river interlinking project, another multi-dam project which is slated to submerge 3,572 hectares of forests and displace 25,000 people.
[...] The project is part of the (…)

, by OpenDemocracy

The crisis and the change-makers

By Paul Rogers

In the face of the world’s urgent economic and environmental problems, political leadership is failing. But from the ground up, new tools of understanding are emerging to fill the gap and point a way forward.
The world’s financial crisis is deepening, and protests are spreading across the (…)

, por ETC Group

Geopiratería. Argumentos contra la geoingeniería

Por el Groupo ETC, 56 páginas, cargar el documento el en sitio web.
Según la Realpolitik el sistema multilateral no puede producir un acuerdo efectivo o justo que mitigue el caos climático. Al reconocer esto, los gobiernos y los científicos preocupados no tienen más opción que (…)

, by India together

The People’s Energy

By M V Ramana and Suvrat Raju

When nuclear companies are unwilling to stake their financial health on the safety of a reactor, how can the Government ask local residents to risk their lives, ask M V Ramana and Suvrat Raju.
As the local people determinedly continue to resist the commissioning of the Koodankulam reactors, (…)

, por Red del Tercer Mundo

Dios PBI

Por Héctor Béjar

En las salidas a los conos, en el Centro Histórico, Lima se asfixia entre los gases de las combis, el aire contaminado, el olor de las calles orinadas por el submundo que la desigualdad va creando.
El Cusco agoniza víctima de los angurrientos que hacen hollar sus venerables piedras por (…)

, by Frontline

Libya recolonised

By Aijaz AHMAD

Libya is the first country that the Euro-American consortium has invaded exclusively on the pretext of human rights violations.
FROM Kabul in October 2001 to Tripoli in October 2011, a decade of unremitting planetary warfare has seen countries devastated and capitals occupied over a vast (…)

, par Autres Brésils

Le nucléaire au Brésil : « un lobby puissant (et prêt à corrompre) »

Par Valéria Nader , Gabriel Brito , Joaquim Francisco de Carvalho

Traduction : Hélène BREANT pour Autres Brésils.
Le monde a renoué avec le spectre du nucléaire après le tremblement de terre et le tsunami qui l’a suivi, balayant principalement nord-ouest du Japon, provoquant a posteriori l’explosion et les fuites des réacteurs de la centrale de Fukushima. (…)

, por Tierramérica

La ecomovilidad gana terreno, paso a paso

Por Stephen Leahy

Ciudades de todo el mundo se aventuran en un territorio nuevo, la "ecomovilidad", o movilidad sostenible: el transporte sin vehículos particulares.
Berlín es una gran capital de un país famoso por sus excelentes automóviles, pero ya no soporta el mantenimiento de las calles, y sus habitantes (…)

, by Down to earth

The Secret Garden

By Sayantan Bera

Want to know about a lost variety of rice or a cure to asthma? Answers lie in the notebooks of schoolchildren and women of the Sundarbans and Madhyamgram, says Sayantan Bera.
[...]The documentation exercise “is like a class struggle in conservation,” a lucid Silanjan Bhattacharya had explained (…)

, by Down to earth

No climate for Cleantech

By Latha Jishnu

Most of the clean energy innovations are with just six rich countries and hardly any technology is coming to developing nations.
What is the outlook for developing countries in getting clean energy technologies transferred to them at a reasonable fee? Will intellectual property rights (IPR) (…)

, por Carta Maior

Brasil vai defender criação de ’bolsa verde global’ na Rio+20

André Barrocal

Proposta de ’Pacto de Proteção Socioambiental Global’ integra primeiro documento do governo com posições brasileiras para a Conferência Mundial sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Apresentado em reunião da comissão organizadora da Rio+20, texto também defende compras públicas e empréstimos (…)

, por Carta Maior

Rio+20 está ameaçada pela crise econômica global, diz governo

Problemas financeiros na Europa e de atividade nos EUA não estimulam países a debater questões ambientais, vistas como ’perda de tempo’. Para secretário-executivo do ministério do Meio Ambiente, Francisco Gaetani, Rio+20 só dará certo com pressão popular. Pessimista, pesquisador governista acha (…)