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Bilateral biosafety bullies

GRAIN and the African Centre for Biosafety, October 2006

, by Grain

How corporations use bilateral trade channels to weaken biotech regulations
The agribusiness sector has been struggling to respond to worldwide opposition to genetically modified (GM) foods ever since farmers started sowing the laboratory-engineered seeds in the mid-1990s. Transnational (…)

The end of farm-saved seed ?

GRAIN Briefing, february 2007, 14 p. (pdf)

, by Grain

The big players in the world seed industry are grumbling about loopholes in the plant variety protection system, which was the alternative to patenting that they set up in the 1960s. The Europeans want to get rid of farmers’ limited entitlement to save seed. The Americans want to restrict the (…)

Whither Biosafety?

October 2005, GRAIN

, by Grain

Despite the introduction of the Cartagena Protocol in 2000, countries are increasingly facilitating the entry of GM crops. According the international NGO GRAIN and many other civil society groups, GM crops are completely incompatible with the principles of food sovereignty. This text argues (…)