Tous les articles et traductions

The Future of the International Council of World Social Forum

, by MASSIAH Gustave

I would like to give here my general assessment of the International Council (IC) question, and its renewal. I am also available to meet with any of the working subgroups depending on their progress and the level of demand.
The preparation of the 2013 WSF will determine the future of the (…)

Reflections on the European Social Movement

, by MASSIAH Gustave

For several years we have been faced with the need to build a European Social Movement, with all its challenges. The European Social Forums were, for a while, an expression of this dynamic. But we must admit that this dynamic is now faltering, due to the changing situation of Europe and in (…)

Profiting from the needy

By Samir Nazareth

, by Infochange

Samir Nazareth questions cause-related marketing which extends a corporation’s markets – for water purification sachets or sanitary napkins — in the guise of providing essential services to the poor.
In Bhopal, Unilever and Population Services International (PSI) are sensitising citizens to (…)

The Syrian revolt enters a new phase

By Richard Seymour

, by LINKS

As Syria’s leader Bashar al-Assad flees the capital, the armed segments of the revolution appear to be inflicting blows on sections of the security apparatus and taking over major cities: the revolution is turning a corner. Robert Fisk reports that a crucial dynamic now is the fracturing of an (…)

50% of the 99%

By Laura Carlsen

, by CIP Americas Program

This isn’t a math quiz. To put the question in non-numerical terms: where are women in the global economic crisis?
The movement of the 99 percent that began in the United States made visible the human beings who suffer the brutal inequality and injustice of an economic system that, in crisis, (…)

Quebec: Huge protest backs students

By Roger Annis

, by LINKS

Quebec’s student movement, and the swelling ranks of its popular allies, staged a huge rally and march in Montreal on May 22. The march supported the students’ fight for free, quality public education and rejected government repression. Estimates by some mainstream news outlets and by many (…)

Media Get Bored With Occupy and Inequality

By John Knefel

, by Common Dreams

Class issues fade along with protest coverage
Occupy Wall Street is rightly credited with helping to shift the economic debate in America from a fixation on deficits to issues of income inequality, corporate greed and the centralization of wealth among the richest 1 percent. The movement has (…)


This document was a collaborative effort by Alliance for Democracy, Council of Canadians, Earth Law Center, Food & Water Watch, Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy and the International Indian Treaty Council.
The Road to Rio+20: Why You Should Care and What You Can Do
From June (…)

Arab Spring and the social media

By Sashi Kumar

, by Frontline

The buzz generated online at momentous junctures, such as the uprisings in the Arab world, is certainly more than mere static.
[...] The nature and scope of the agency of the social media in the Arab Spring are, given the continuing flux in the region, a developing story. But the reading in (…)

A new historical moment ?

By Nicola Bullard

, by Forum for a new World Governance (FnWG)

We are facing a cynical response from the elites concerning the ecological and economic crises. What is being sold to us as green economy is nothing but an attempt to have a new round of expansion of capitalism. It is an extension of neoliberalism, a new green Washington consensus, attempting (…)

Reclaiming ’common sense’: new pamphlet is a rallying cry to the 99%

By Guy Aitchison

, by OpenDemocracy

Today marks the launch of OurKingdom’s version of ‘Common Sense’, a new ebook by Dan Hind about the Occupy movement and deliberative politics. We are publishing the pamphlet in partnership with Myriad Editions and the New Left Project ↑ , who have brought out their own editions. Below, Guy (…)

Teaching peace: Civil society peace education programmes in South Asia

By Anupama Srinivasan

, by Infochange

Several peace education programmes across South Asia, from the Peace Museum in Karachi to the Sita School near Bangalore, are initiating processes that incorporate ideas of peace and non-violence. But they are fighting for space within the mainstream education system and tend to be confined to (…)

Slow Finance

Why Investment Miles Matter

By Gervais Williams, Bloomsbury Publishing, 208 pages
Gervais Williams explains why investment miles matter. His new book Slow Finance anticipates a forthcoming change in public attitude to the financial sector. Just as the Slow Food movement represents a reaction to the food industry losing (…)

The Struggle for Street Politics

By Jane Duncan


Public demonstrations have been central to South Africa’s democratic life for decades. Yet recent events suggest a narrowing of the substance of the right to assemble, demonstrate and picket, and a de-legitimisation of street politics. In this regard, the City of Cape Town’s near hysterical (…)

Syria: Between popular resistance and foreign intervention

By Khalil Habash

, by LINKS

The Syrian popular movement has witnessed an increasing mobilisation in recent weeks – the most important since last summer – despite the continuous violent repression. Defections within the army are still happening on a growing scale. Ten months after the beginning of the revolution – and (…)