Tous les articles et traductions

The Cleveland Model

Something important is happening in Cleveland: a new model of large-scale worker- and community-benefiting enterprises is beginning to build serious momentum in one of the cities most dramatically impacted by the nation’s decaying economy. The Evergreen Cooperative Laundry (ECL)—a worker-owned, (…)

, par Altermondes

Nous n’avons qu’une seule planète

Altermondes - Hors- Série

Dans le cadre du programme Une seule planète, Altermondes vient de réaliser un hors série intitulé « Nous n’avons qu’une seule planète ». En décembre, l’échec du Sommet de Copenhague sur le chan- gement climatique a révélé l’incapacité des Etats à prendre à bras le corps ce qui (…)

, par COMBES Maxime

Le capitalisme vert, nouveau stade du capitalisme ?

À propos de l’ouvrage de Dominique Nora, "Les pionniers de l’or vert", Grasset, 2009.
Capitalisme vert ? Emplois verts ? Technologies vertes ou propres ? Vit-on une transformation profonde de notre modèle économique ? L’hypothèse est captivante : la raréfaction des énergies fossiles – plus (…)

, par Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques, centre de recherche en relations internationales (IRIS)

20e anniversaire de la libération de Nelson Mandela : quel héritage ?

par Philippe Hugon, directeur de recherche à l’IRIS

L’Afrique du Sud, mais également la plupart des pays dans le monde, célèbre ce 11 février le vingtième anniversaire de la libération de Nelson Mandela après 27 ans d’emprisonnement à Robben Island. Nelson Mandela a, pour sa part, célébré mercredi cet anniversaire en invitant un de ses anciens (…)

, por Carta Maior

Cuba é uma ditadura?

por Breno Altman

As circunstâncias históricas levaram Cuba a restringir liberdades. Mas seu sistema político deveria ser analisado sem endeusamento do modelo liberal, no qual a existência de direitos formais não representa garantias para um funcionamento democrático baseado na participação popular.
O novo (…)

, by International Crisis Group

Reforming Pakistan’s Civil Service

If Pakistan’s deteriorating civil service is not urgently repaired, public disillusionment and resentment could be used by the military to justify another spell of authoritarian rule.
Reforming Pakistan’s Civil Service, the latest report from the International Crisis Group, analyses the (…)

, by Himal Southasian

Bargaining in a labour regime

Up-country Tamil plantation workers in Sri Lanka remain a subjugated community, treated as little more than bonded labour. The current political foment includes opportunities for change. Read more

, by Infochange

Chhattisgarh: Lost battle

The people of Chhattisgarh (India) appear to have lost the battle against industrialisation without rules. Even those who held out longest against the acquisition of their lands, forests and rivers are giving up the fight. Dilnaz Boga travels through the villages of Raigarh district, where (…)

’To Resist is to Survive’ - worker-run cooperatives in Argentina

Nearly 10 years after Argentina’s economic collapse sparked a movement, worker-run cooperatives endure another crisis. Report from Argentina on the state of the workers’ co-op movement there, which sprouted in the aftermath of the country’s 2001 economic collapse. Divisions within the movement, (…)

, by HAYES Christopher, The Nation

America’s System Failure

As welcome as it was, the removal of George W. Bush was not enough to cure what ails the US. It goes to the root of our political system. Only real democracy can save this country. Read more

, by Democracy Now!

Tribute to Howard Zinn

On Democracy Now!, a tribute to the late historian, writer and activist Howard Zinn, who died suddenly on Wednesday of a heart attack at the age of eighty-seven. Howard Zinn’s classic work A People’s History of the United States changed the way we look at history in America. It has sold over a (…)

, por Repórter Brasil

Anistia a estrangeiros beneficia mais de 40 mil pessoas

Por Bianca Pyl

Bolivianos foram os que mais aderiram à anistia: 17 mil se apresentaram para se regularizar. Estrangeiros beneficiados receberam visto provisório com validade de dois anos e poderão solicitar residência permanente no Brasil
Mais de 40 mil estrangeiros que vivem no Brasil não deixaram escapar a (…)

, por Noticias Aliadas

Productora de etanol sancionada por esclavista

Banco estatal de fomento suspende préstamos a empresa azucarera por emplear mano de obra esclava.
El Banco Nacional de Desarrollo de Brasil (BNDES) decidió suspender los créditos a Cosan, la productora de caña de azúcar y etanol más grande del país, por mantener trabajadores en condiciones de (…)

, por BORON Atilio

Elecciones en Chile: el original y la copia


Para la Concertación el triunfo de la derecha (en realidad, de su variante más virulenta: la pinochetista) en las elecciones presidenciales chilenas podría considerarse como un ejemplo más de una “crónica de una muerte anunciada”. La progresiva asimilación del legado ideológico de la dictadura (…)

, par Migreurop

Violences, racisme et mensonges de Rosarno à Bari

Migreurop publie un rapport suite à la mission d’observation réalisée le 15 janvier 2010

A la suite des graves événements qui se sont déroulés les 7 et 8 janvier 2010 à Rosarno (sud de l’Italie), où des travailleurs migrants ont été victimes de violences et d’agressions racistes, et dans le cadre de sa campagne « Pour un droit de Regard dans les lieux d’enfermement », Migreurop a (…)

, por GALEANO Eduardo

Os pecados do Haiti

Agência Carta Maior

A história do assédio contra o Haiti, que nos nossos dias tem dimensões de tragédia, é também uma história do racismo na civilização ocidental. Em 1803 os negros do Haiti deram uma tremenda sova nas tropas de Napoleão Bonaparte e a Europa jamais perdoou esta humilhação infligida à raça branca. O (…)

, by KLEIN Naomi

No logo revisited: Obama in the steps of corporate brands

Ten years after the publication of "No Logo", Klein looks at how Obama created a brand that won him the Presidency. Will his failure to live up to his lofty brand cost him?
Text extracted from a 10th anniversary edition of No Logo to be published by Fourth Estate on 21 January. Read more