Tous les articles et traductions

, by Tehelka

See No Evil Hear No Evil

Activist Kitiry Roy’s arrest is a reminder of shrinking democratic space, says Thusha Mittal. His crime — holding a public hearing; holding the State accountable; attempting to hold the Constitution to its best face. In the FIR against Roy by the Anti-terrorist cell of Kolkata Police, the above (…)

Colombia: Escenarios posibles de guerra o paz

Universidad Nacional de Colombia , 2010, 335 páginas.

Entre las posibilidades que se plantean y que son mencionadas por los autores del libro, se encuentran: la derrota militar de alguno de los actores enfrentados o la solución política negociada. Aunque el fortalecimiento y modernización de las Fuerzas Armadas y la implementación de la Política de (…)

, por Rebelión

Chomsky alerta sobre el auge de la ultraderecha en EEUU

por David Brooks

La derecha se alimenta de la frustración y avanzan ultraconservadores como el Tea Party. Se persigue a latinos y negros como Alemania lo hizo con judíos, asegura el intelectual.
El desencanto con el gobierno y los políticos ha crecido a niveles sin precedente a últimas fechas según sondeos; (…)

, by Tehelka

Building Stone Scarecrows

Nonviolent rights activits in Gujarat are being branded maoists and jailed, reports Parvaiz Bukhari. Dangs is the smallest and perhaps the most scenic Adivasi district of Gujarat. As you soak in the beauty and breathe the fresh air, Ashish Pawar, a young Adivasi activist acting as a guide, (…)

, par BEAUDET Pierre

Le Brésil de Lula, huit ans plus tard

En 2002, le Brésil surprend le monde en élisant à la présidence de la république un ouvrier syndicaliste. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, fondateur et chef du Parti des travailleurs (PT) est en effet emblématique d’un grand mouvement populaire qui a déstabilisé la dictature au tournant des années (…)

, por Repórter Brasil

"Efeito Gilmar Mendes" aguça conflitos no campo, avalia CPT

Por Bianca Pyl

Declarações do ex-presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) deram suporte ao alto número de despejos e também ao aumento das prisões, segundo Antônio Canuto, da coordenação da Comissão Pastoral da Terra
O número de torturados em decorrência de conflito agrários aumentou de 6, em 2008, para (…)

Who Rules the Waves? Piracy, Overfishing and Mining the Oceans

Denise Russell, Pluto Press, 208 p., 2010

With piracy raging in the Indian Ocean, international disputes over undersea oil and gas, and chronic overfishing, the oceans have rarely been subject to such varied and environmentally damaging conflict outside a world war. In Who Rules the Waves? Denise Russell gives us a rare insight into (…)


The Unspoken Risks of Cell Phones and Wireless Networks

Africa has been catapulted into the electronic age over the past decade and a half by an almost incomprehensibly swift growth in telecommunications technology driven primarily by a massive rollout of cell phones and wireless technology throughout the continent.
While few can deny the economic (…)

, by OpenDemocracy

Nigeria and the politics of massacre

In Nigeria, patterns of “religious” massacre are many decades old, but it is wrong to see this as simple “sectarianism”. A poor society facing modernisation at the hands of corrupt elites is vulnerable to the use of violence as a means of asserting economic and political power and the (…)

, by IPS

Health: Putting the Focus on Cities

The world’s public health policy-makers should focus on urban health problems, since for the last three years the majority of the planet’s population is living in cities, World Health Organisation (WHO) experts say. Read more

, by Pambazuka

Race, liberation and authentic citizenship in South Africa

A discussion with the Afrikaner Resistance Movement’s Andrie Visagie on live national television has ‘brought into sharp focus a whole host of tensions, contradictions and implications of what it means to be a South African in 2010’, writes Liepollo Lebohang Pheko. Visagie’s outburst is a (…)

, by Himal Southasian

An Electoral Path-breaker

Two portentous results emerged from the parliamentary election in Sri Lanka. The ruling United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA) led by President Mahinda Rajapakse won a resounding victory, just short of the two-thirds majority needed for a constitutional change. And almost 40% of the electorate (…)

, por Carta Maior

Tributação desigual e miséria, saldos da hegemonia neoliberal

por Hideyo Saito

Sistemas tributários favoráveis aos ricos são herança da fase de hegemonia neoliberal no mundo, consolidada a partir do final dos anos 1970. Houve ampliação do fosso entre ricos e pobres e aumentou a miséria e a fome no mundo, em pleno século XXI, quando a humanidade dispõe de meios técnicos e (…)

, by Frontline

Stunted India

India has the largest number of stunted, wasted and underweight children in the world. Under-nutrition, as a “silent” emergency, haunts the lives of millions of Indian children. Several facts reveal the magnitude and severity of the nutritional crisis facing the country. Close to two million (…)

, par Basta !

La Politique agricole commune : une réforme pour quoi faire ?

Par Agnès Rousseaux

Une « réforme à haut risque ». C’est ce qui attend la Politique agricole commune en 2013. Alors que les négociations commencent, celle-ci subit des critiques de toutes parts. En cause : son coût, ses orientations et surtout son manque de légitimité, car elle finance les agriculteurs, mais aussi (…)

, por Inter Press Service (IPS)

Pena de muerte: la matanza legal

La pena de muerte se cobra cada año miles de vidas. En 2004, fueron 3.797 en 25 naciones. En los países donde aún persiste esta práctica, la condena recae de manera desproporcionada sobre minorías y pobres. En algunos casos, enfermos mentales y menores son víctimas de la más cruel de las (…)