Tous les articles et traductions

, par APCNoticias

Petites subventions, grands changements pour les femmes rurales

L’accès aux nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) touche autant les hommes que les femmes qui vivent dans des régions éloignées. Pour les gouvernements et le secteur des télécommunications, les infrastructures dans les régions rurales ne sont pas prioritaires car (…)

, por Pambazuka

Uma lágrima pelo povo e pelo Estado de Angola

Luíz Araújo

Neste artigo, o ativista Luis Araújo discute a relação direta entre conservação da memória e do patrimônio material e imaterial da nação angolana e seus desmembramentos no governo do atual presidente Eduardo dos Santos, assim como relembra ao leitor o papel fundamental que o Mercado Kinaxixe (…)

Gérer ensemble les territoires

ECLM, juin 2010, 228 pages, 18 €

Nombreuses, novatrices et souvent pertinentes, ces initiatives méritent d’être mieux reconnues afin de créer plus de synergies entre la gestion territoriale de l’environnement et les pouvoirs publics. Dialogues entre agriculteurs et ostréiculteurs au sujet de la qualité de l’eau, débats autour (…)

, by AlterNet

Bank Local: Indie Businesses Embrace Move Your Money

Across the U.S., independent business groups that have been urging people to "buy local" are now making "bank local" an increasingly prominent part of their message, bringing new grassroots visibility and organizational infrastructure to the Move Your Money movement. Read more


Les favelas de Rio de Janeiro. Histoire et droit XIXe et XXe siècles

L’Harmattan, février 2010, 298 pages, 29 euros

« Qu’est-ce qu’une favela ? Quelle est la nature juridique de ce morceau de ville ? Quel est le statut de ses occupants ? Sur ce débat ancien, qui interroge la place des favelas et des favelados dans la ville de Rio de Janeiro, Rafael Soares Gonçalves propose une lecture renouvelée.
Au (…)

, por Noticias Aliadas

Aumenta brecha entre ricos y pobres

El 20% más rico acapara casi 60% de los recursos, mientras que el 20% más pobre recibe sólo el 3.5%.
América Latina y el Caribe es el continente más urbanizado del mundo. Cuatro de cada cinco latinoamericanos viven en centros urbanos en la región, pero no todos tienen acceso a servicios (…)

, by Tehelka

Lead, Kindly Light!

Inder Sidhu travels to a remote Rajasthan village where rural African women are learning new skills to transform their lives back home. The Barefoot College NGO’s ‘solar engineer’ programme teaches semi-literate and illiterate women from the continent’s rural communities how to build and (…)

, by IPS

Health: Putting the Focus on Cities

The world’s public health policy-makers should focus on urban health problems, since for the last three years the majority of the planet’s population is living in cities, World Health Organisation (WHO) experts say. Read more

, by Down to earth

Carriage of convenience

Metro projects can ease congestion. But lack of integrated planning is undoing the benefits of this mass transport system. Nidhi Jamwal and Ankur Paliwal report. Read more

World’s biggest cities merging into ’mega-regions’

UN-HABITAT launched its report State of the World Cities 2010/2011: Bridging the Urban Divide in the run up to the World Urban Forum 5 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The world’s mega-cities are merging to form vast "mega-regions" which may stretch hundreds of kilometres across countries and be (…)

, by Pambazuka

Shell in Nigeria: The struggle for accountability

Ben Amunwa looks at how the settlement of the Wiwa v Shell case affects the ongoing Niger Delta crisis, and the settlement’s implications for human rights, environmental justice and the control of resources in the region. Read more

, por Le Monde diplomatique (Brasil)

Por novos paradigmas de produção e consumo

Por Leandro Pereira Morais e Adriano Borges Ferreira Costa

O fenômeno da 2ª Revolução Industrial e Tecnológica, ocorrido no último quarto do século XIX marcou uma nova era do desenvolvimento capitalista no mundo, dando início ao ciclo do motor à combustão. Constituiu- se, de fato, um novo padrão de produção e de consumo, com base em modernos sistemas de (…)

, par Inter-réseaux

La vidéo toute seule ne suffit pas !

Jocelyne Yennenga Kompaoré

Jocelyne Yennenga réagit à l’article « Initiatives et réflexions d’acteurs autour de la vidéo pour le développement » du Grain de sel nº44 :
"Il paraît que pour savoir jusqu’où on peut aller, il faut se lever et marcher". Jocelyne partage un bout de (…)

, by BELLO Walden

Will China save the world from depression?

Foreign Policy in Focus

The world is looking at China to save it from depression, but China has built its export based economy on the backs of its rural population, which is too poor to absorb the industry’s output now that global demand has slumped.
Will China be the "growth pole" that will snatch the world from the (…)


The KwaZulu-Natal Slums Act: Bloody Legislation Against the Expropriated

On 14 May 2009 the Constitutional Court will hear the attempt by the shack dweller’s movement Abahlali baseMjondolo to have the KwaZulu-Natal Slums Act declared unlawful. Other provinces have been mandated to develop similar legislation and the decision of the court may have a significant impact (…)