Tous les articles et traductions

, by Frontline

End of Emergency

By R.K. Radhakrishnana

Two years after the LTTE’s decimation, President Mahinda Rajapaksa proposes the lifting of the state of emergency in Sri Lanka.
A day before the delayed debate on Sri Lankan Tamils took off in the Indian Parliament and just over a fortnight before the 18th regular session of the United Nations (…)

, by Pambazuka

Death of Gaddafi

By Horace Campbell

Gaddafi’s killing - with all the hallmarks of a ’coordinated assassination’ – marks ’one more episode ion this NATO war in Libya and North Africa’, writes Horace Campbell. The ’remilitarisation of Africa and new deployment of Africom is a new stage of African politics,’ says Campbell.
The news (…)

, por ALAI

Telenovela y xenofobia en TV chilena

Por Ricardo Jiménez

Ricardo Jiménez es Sociólogo chileno
Es imposible recorrer las principales avenidas o calles de Santiago Centro y no ver la concentración de peruanos, proliferación de sus restaurantes y negocios de telefonía; o ir a una fiesta con los amigos y no escuchar a Américo, cantante chileno, cuyo (…)

, by CIP Americas Program

Militarism in Paraguay: The Other Side of the Economic Model

By Raúl Zibechi

A production model based on soy monoculture results in economic growth, but also causes social instability that can lead to political crises. The temptation is to use armed force to resolve them.
At the end of September, construction began on the World Trade Center of Asunción. The first step (…)

, by Common Dreams

Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now

By Naomi Klein

I was honored to be invited to speak at Occupy Wall Street on Thursday night. Since amplification is (disgracefully) banned, and everything I say will have to be repeated by hundreds of people so others can hear (a k a “the human microphone”), what I actually say at Liberty Plaza will have to be (…)

Bobby Sands. Jusqu’au bout

Par Denis O’Hearn, Editions du CETIM et Editions de l’Epervier, 488 pages, 19.50 €
Le 5 mai 1981, Margaret Thatcher laissait mourir de faim en prison Bobby Sands, député d’Irlande du Nord et membre de l’IRA, condamné pour avoir participé à une attaque à main armée. Il demandait pour lui et ses (…)

, por Carta Maior

Na ONU, Dilma defende Brasil no Conselho de Segurança e Palestina

André Barrocal

Em sua estréia - e das mulheres - na abertura da Assembléia Geral das Nações Unidas, Dilma Rousseff cobra reforma do Conselho de Segurança, com assento permanente ao Brasil, para devolver-lhe ’legimitidade’. Em discurso de 24 minutos em que foi aplaudida quatro vezes, também defende ’ingresso (…)

, por Carta Maior

Da necessidade de um novo paradigma para a Segurança Pública no Brasil

Gleidson Renato Martins

Não é por acaso que no imaginário popular os heróis são os policiais como os “Capitães Nascimento” (no que se refere ao primeiro filme Tropa de Elite), e que as torturas e até mesmo os assassinatos no referido filme sejam ovacionadas pela grande maioria.
Também não é por acaso que as redes de (…)

, by Frontline

Vicious killer


The landmine is a morally outlawed weapon, and it is time now for Sri Lanka to accede to the Mine Ban Treaty.
SRI LANKA’S protracted internal conflict, which lasted for three decades, ended in May 2009, but landmines and other explosive remnants of war (ERW) continue to kill or injure both (…)

, by Truthout

Anti-Transgender Violence: How Hate-Crime Laws Have Failed

By Victoria Law

On the morning of June 5, 2011, a 23-year-old African-American transgender woman, Chrishaun McDonald, and her friends were walking down Lake Street in Minneapolis. As they passed Schooner Tavern, Dean Schmitz, a 47-year-old white man, began shouting racial slurs at McDonald, asking, "Did you (…)

, by Common Dreams

The Terrorism Issue That Wasn’t Discussed

By Gareth Porter

In the commentary on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the news and infotainment media have predictably framed the discussion by the question of how successful the CIA and the military have been in destroying al Qaeda. Absent from the torrent of opinion and analysis was any mention of how the U.S. (…)


Semantics of the Slut Walk

By Gillian Schutte

In 2008 hundreds of South African women donned their miniskirts and protested at the taxi rank where a young girl was brutally accosted by taxi drivers and hawkers for wearing a short denim skirt. The men who accosted her allegedly stuck their fingers into her vagina and called her a "slut." (…)

, by Frontline

Sudan: A new nation

By John Cherian

South Sudan faces severe challenges; although 99 per cent of the south voted for independence, the people there are far from united.
ON July 9, South Sudan officially joined the international community as an independent nation. Its President, Salva Kiir, in his speech to mark the historic (…)

, by OpenDemocracy

Are Western sanctions against Syria an option?

By Islam Qasem

In the final analysis, sanctions are unlikely to produce the desired effect in time. Assad’s killing machine will continue to target civilians, but sanctions will suck the economic and political oxygen out of the regime.
Western countries are at loss about how to pressure Bashar al-Assad to (…)

, by AlterNet

Do we need a militant movement to save the planet (and ourselves)?

Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith and Aric McBay call for new strategy to stave off environmental catastrophe.
Environmental groups are trying to build a critical mass around issues like global warming to inspire public action and encourage legislators to get their heads out of the sand. The Sierra (…)


The return of the English riot

By Richard Pithouse

The riot has been a feature of English life for a lot longer than William Shakespeare, village cricket matches or, for that matter, The Clash. The English have rioted against the enclosure of common land, fences, press gangs, factories, prisons, bread prices, tolls and banks. Arson, tearing down (…)