Promotion des DESC dans le secteur de l’artisanat au Mali Ce dossier a été réalisé par les associations Terre des Hommes France et l’ONG malienne Guamina, en juin 2014. Le dossier Promotion (…) 23 avril 2015, par TDHF
Cyber wars While the role of technology in the political struggle in Iran and elsewhere should not be overstated, it should not be underestimated (…) 17 May 2010, by Eurozine , Index on Censorship
The More You Use Google, the More Google Knows About You From Google Search to Google Earth, every move you make can be tracked by some feature of Google — and intelligence agencies are (…) 20 April 2010, by The Nation
Pena de muerte: la matanza legal La pena de muerte se cobra cada año miles de vidas. En 2004, fueron 3.797 en 25 naciones. En los países donde aún persiste esta (…) 1ro de abril de 2010, por Inter Press Service (IPS)
Israel: O exército “mais moral do mundo”? Muitos israelenses gostam de acreditar e repetir que seu exército é o “mais moral do mundo”. Mas, depois da guerra contra a faixa de (…) 1 de Abril de 2010, por Inter Press Service (IPS)
Hi-Tech Fortress Europe The Stockholm Programme, the latest in a series of EU agreements on security policy, was endorsed in December 2009. Based on the (…) 1 April 2010, by Eurozine , Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik
Who Speaks for Human Rights? Amnesty international, gender issues and militant islam DD Guttenplan and Maria Margaronis write in The Nation about the controversy surrounding Amnesty’s collaboration with Moazzam Begg, a (…) 1 April 2010
Unhappy Yemen In the London Review of Books, Tariq Ali tells about his recent trip to Yemen, after Obama and other US politicians started hinting that (…) 26 March 2010, by ALI Tariq, London Review of Books
Is the Obama Administration Covering Up Three Murders at Guantanamo? An explosive new article reveals that three Gitmo prisoners whose deaths were labeled suicides were murdered. Obama’s Department of (…) 5 February 2010, by AlterNet
NeoConOpticon. The EU Security-Industrial Complex Despite the often benign intent behind collaborative European ‘research’ into integrated land, air, maritime, space and (…) 19 October 2009, by TNI
UNASUR: Nace el Consejo de Defensa del Mercosur El 28 de agosto pasado los presidentes de 10 naciones sudamericanas se reunieron en el lujoso hotel Llao Llao en el centro de ski (…) 2 de octubre de 2009, por Americas Policy Program
#MerciDavance, une plateforme citoyenne pour interpeller les député.e.s sur l’aide aux pays les plus pauvres ! 23 octobre 2017