Trade Invaders – How big business is driving the EU-India free trade negotiations

, by India FDI Watch , Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO)

A new joint report from Corporate Europe Observatory and India FDI Watch reveals how, in the negotiations for a trade deal between the EU and India, the EU Commission and the Indian government have handed the agenda over to corporate lobby groups. This big-business-first agenda will put at risk the livelihoods of millions of small farmers, street traders and patients.

The report shows how negotiators on both sides have entered into a symbiotic working relationship with big corporations and their lobby groups. It shines a light on the dense web of corporate advisory bodies, working groups and secret consultation channels through which business can exercise undue influence over trade-policy making in the EU and India. And it explains the human consequences of the corporate trade agenda in fields such as intellectual property rights, retail, agriculture and manufacturing. Read more