Time to Evict the Crisis

Collection Passerelle


Housing in Europe

Date de parution
Septembre 2012
Nombre de pages
16 x 25 cm

By providing a critical analysis of the crisis, viewed through the perspective of housing and from a European angle, we hope we were able to successfully avoid the pitfall of cliché – even though the term is omnipresent in the media and in political discourse –, and that we have succeeded in taking up the twofold challenge we had defined: to place the question of housing at the centre of the analysis of the crisis, and to deconstruct the dominant narrative on the reasons for the crisis .

More than 20 researchers and activits are contributed to this journal, coordinated by Charlotte Mathivet (AITEC).

We find articles about neoliberal politics in Europe, theirs consequences, and citizens initiatives and denunciations with exemples from Istanbul, Hambourg, Budapest, Amsterdam, Sevilla, Paris, Lisbonne...

Passerelle n° 7 - Housing in Europe. Time to Evict the Crisis


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